NATO Killers And Child Molestation

December 27, 2012

Not sure if I posted this earlier. Anyway, here’s a letter dated August 28, 2011 which I sent to all Canadian Members of Parliament, and, as expected, since all members favor Zionist wars, I didn’t get one response.

Dear Member of Parliament,

(Don’t let your kids see this. It’s horrible to look at.) Please take a good look at the fried corpse of an innocent child in Libya. This is extreme child molestation by NATO killers, and, regrettably, you were part of it, because you voted to bomb Libya.
The late leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition wrote in his last “manifesto” for social democracy: “My friends, love is better than anger… So let us be loving…” Indeed, if “love is better than anger,” why did Mr. Jack Layton and his party vote unanimously (with the government) for this NATO child-molesting war crime? Opposition? What opposition? Such hypocrisy!
Certainly, with 307 pro-war elitist MPs voting with you, you were not alone. And you felt strong, so strong that you were not afraid to violate the sovereignty of a small, peaceful, and the most prosperous African nation. You don’t need to remind me, I know you call this kind of crime “collateral damage.” But using a fancy phrase from your diplomatic dictionary doesn’t detract from your immoral behavior (despite some affixed “hon.” titles).
Even more hypocritical is our pro-war Christian Zionist Prime Minister who appeases a few voters by adding “Royal” to his killing machines, knowing that dumb downed Canadians love the sound of “Royal”—it’s just so cool to fry kids with a “royal” bomb. Obviously, the PM has misread his bible which says “Suffer the little children…” It doesn’t say “Make the little children suffer.” Only one lone MP voted against extending the Libya bombing.
Thanks for listening and I pray that your God will grant you mercy when the Grim Reaper comes for you, as he will for all of us.
Mystery Worshiper

Thank You Canada and NATO: You Murdered My Precious Family

December 24, 2011

Source here

[Editor’s Note: By the time I had put together all the photos, uploaded them and got the text of the article checked over I was pretty well exhausted and overcome emotionally and mentally by a gnawing, nauseating sense of the grossly sordid and evil nature of what Canadian has done to the innocent, gentle people of Libya. I have never felt so ashamed of my country in my entire 65 years of living here. The utter disgust and loathing that I now feel for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all those MPs who voted to go along with the criminal, Zionist-controlled North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) agenda of war and destruction goes beyond any descriptive words that I could possibly dredge up from the darkest, foulest thesaurus in existence.

Harper’s actions, as the so-called “leader” of this once semi-civilized nation, have so degraded the country in the eyes of the non-NATO world that I am literally embarrassed to call Canada my home any longer. Such absolute repugnance for another human being I never thought possible until the reality of what he and his governing party of psychopathic war criminals have done to the once prosperous and peaceful nation of Libya finally sunk in to my heart and mind.

I can only wonder and stand in awe and silence at the horrible intensity of grief that Khaled El Hamedi must feel knowing that his precious, loved, pregnant wife and his sweet, darling babies were all blow to pieces in a split second because of the monstrously evil and deliberately vile terrorist decisions of our elected officials in Ottawa. And I include every single one of those miserable excuses for members of parliament who never spoke out against Harper and his Zionist, boot-licking traitorous sycophants.

Every MP in Ottawa who didn’t have the courage and heart to vote against the decision to join NATO in its wanton killing spree stands accused of complicity in committing war crimes. Each and every one of them ought to be arrested and then given a fair and just trial and hopefully found guilty. And once convicted the whole worthless lot of them should either be strung up from the nearest and tallest tree available on Parliament Hill or else sent to Iraq or Libya  or Afghanistan to spend the remainder of their destitute days doing penance by having to remove, bare handed, all the DU contaminated rubble now littering the landscape of those innocent nations!

This former nation of “peacekeepers” Canada has, thanks to the criminal insanity of the Harper Conservatives and their lackeys, plummeted to the lowest depths of demonic depravity ever and those responsible for this degeneracy deserve to be treated by all peace-loving, decent Canadians as a hostile, renegade, traitorous and alien power.

Never has this country ever had such a sick mind leading it. If Harper were a dog it would be time to put him out of his misery. It’s little wonder that he’s forever suck-holing and groveling at the feet of the leader of that racist, war-mongering shitty little piece of stolen real estate in the middle of Palestine called “Israel”. Between himself and his unctuous, fat-assed side-kick Jason Kenney they’ve both managed to drag the (now) bloodstained country I once proudly called home down to the same gut-wrenching, nauseous level of savagery as the psychopaths from Tel Aviv.

At this point all I can say is WAKE UP CANADA! Wake up before this seditiously sick, Zionist-worshipping excuse for a human being destroys Canada once and for all. And yes, I know my words may appear to some unduly harsh but God knows they are all I have available at this point to voice the intense loathing for what this national disgrace has done to my former democratic, peace-loving nation. We once held in our hands a priceless pearl of beauty and now this traitor in Ottawa has thrown it to the swine of deception, greed, murder and destruction.]


Uprooted Palestinians

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Return to Sorman – Anatomy of a NATO war crime

Franklin Lamb
Sorman, Libya

It was a warm early Monday morning along the Libyan coast on June 20, 2011.

At approximately 0200 GMT the next day in NATO Headquarters in Brussels and 30 minutes later in its media center in Naples, staffers finished tabulating NATO’s 92nd day of aerial attacks on Libya and began to post the data on its website (


Twenty four hours earlier an Atlantic Alliance command unit, located approximately 30 miles off the Libyan coast, in a direct line with Malta, and NATO’s targeting unit had signed off on 49 bombing missions for June 20th, the last day of spring and the last day of NATO’s original UN bombing mandate.

NATO carnage in Tripoli

The authority for NATO’s bombing, which far exceeded earlier estimates, killing or wounding of between 90,000-120,000 Libyans and foreigners, and the displacement of more than two million Libyans and foreign workers was claimed from the hastily adopted UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and UNSCR 1973. UN resolutions 1970 & 1973 gave NATO UN Chapter 7 authority to enforce a no-fly zone over Libyan airspace, initially for 90 days which ironically ended the day before  its bombing at Sorman.

The two UN Security Council Resolutions were insisted upon by their main sponsors, France, the UK, Italy and the US who claimed that ”a limited no-fly zone would protect Libya’s civilian population from the wrath of the government of Libya’s leader, Muammar Gadhafi.” NATO requested and was granted two additional 90 days extensions to continue its Libyan mission which gave its air force until the end of 2011 to continue Operation Unified Protector.

It was early Monday morning, June 20, 2011.

google of sabatha

Sorman Libya. A quiet and peaceful Libyan town, Sorman is located 45 miles west of Tripoli, near the Mediterranean coast, in the Zawiya District of the Tripolitania region in northwestern Libya. Many of the town’s children grew up exploring the 3rd Century truly magnificent Roman Ruins at nearby Sabratha.


Some archeologists consider Sabratha, located almost in direct line with Rome across the Mediterranean, and built on a high cliff above the sea, as the most complete extant Roman architecture  with only a small part of this large Roman city having been excavated. This observer has visited Sabratha a few times since the mid-1980 and each visit presents more awe. Families from Sorman and nearby villages regularly visit and picnic there.

In the early hours of June 20, 2011 it was dark in Sorman except for some muted half-moon light. A few dim street lights and some partially illumined homes in provided some light as residents began to rise and prepare for the Al Fajr (“Dawn”) prayers.

Khaled el Hamedi
Khaled El Hamedi, President of the International Organization
for Peace, Care and Relief

At the homestead of Khaled K. El Hamedi, the 37 year old President of the International Organization for Peace, Care & Relief (IOPCR), one of Libya’s most active social service organizations everyone was asleep following a rambunctious birthday party for his three year old son. The Hamedi family members included Khaled’s three year and one day old son Khweldi, four and one half year old daughter Khaleda, his beautiful pregnant wife Safa, his aunt Najia, and his six year old niece Salam, among others.

At NATO’s Control and Command Center, the 49 bombing missions planned for early morning of June 20, included a target at Sorman, which would push the number of NATO reconnaissance sorties over Libya to 11,930. This number would become 26,500 by midnight on October 31, when NATO would end its air campaign. The days bombing sorties would also bring the tally of rocket and bombing targets to 4,521. This figure would increase to more than 11,781 by late fall, when NATO was instructed to end OUP (Operation Unified Protector).

NATO’s prepares to bomb Dorman’s “command and control center”

Before the bombs were fired at Khaled K. el-Hamedi compound, NATO staff conducted a six step process the first of which was surveillance using the MQ-9 Reaper UAV, which sometimes is also used to fire missiles. Also above Sorman was the Predator drone with full-motion video. During June 19 and the early hours of June 20, the drones locked on the Hamedi homestead target and relayed updated information to NATO’s command center.

The Hamedi home was not what NATO labels a “time-critical target” so there was plenty of time for its staff to transmit information about the site from unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to intelligence analysts. Almost certainly, according to a source at Jane’s Weekly, NATO UAV’s watched the Hamedi compound over a period of days and presumably observed part of the birthday party being held for three old Huweldi, the day before the order to bomb was  issued.

NATO Rules of Engagement for Operation United Protector, constitute a set of classified documents which present specific and detailed instructions about what is a legitimate target and who can approve the target, whether pre-planned or “on the fly” when a pilot happens upon a target of opportunity.

The Sorman attack on the Hamedi home was planned as part of what NATO calls its “Joint Air Tasking Cycle (JATC). A target development team put the Hamedi home on the June 20th daily list of targets.

The team used a report from NATO intelligence analysts who determined that retired officer Khaled al Hamedi’s father, one of the original members of the Gadhafi led 1969 coup against King Idris in 1969, and a former member of the Al Fatah Revolution’s Revolutionary Command Council was living on the property. His assassination had been ordered by NATO because they hoped to weaken the regime in some way even though the senior Hamedi was retired and had no decision making role in Libya.

On June 19, the day before bombing attack on the Hamedi family at Sorman, NATO was obliged by its own regulations and by the international law of armed conflict to conduct a“potential for collateral damage review” of this mission.

There is no evidence that this was every done.

A requested US Congressional NATO Liaison Office review of the Sorman bombing, initially requested from Libya on August 2, was completed in early September 2011 and found no documentary evidence or other indication that Bouchard or anyone in NATO’s Target Selection Unit, evaluated, discussed, or even considered the subject of potential civilian casualties at the Hamedi home in Sorman.

Following Bouchard’s green light to bomb the Hamedi home, the coordinates were fixed at 32°45′24″N 12°34′18″E . Specific aim points on the Hamedi property were chosen and eight bombs and missiles were readied and attached to the strike aircraft.

At Sorman, NATO used a variety of bombs and missiles including the “bunker busting” BLU-109 (Bomb Live Unit) which is designed to penetrate 18 feet of concrete. NATO also used the American MK series of 500 lb, (MK 81) 1000 lb, (MK-82) and the 2000 lb (MK-84) that Israel  used so widely during its 2006 invasion of Lebanon. The MK series and the BLU-109 are reportedly being stockpiled in Israel is preparation for both countries anticipated next war in this region.


Following the infernal at Sorman, NATO denied responsibility but the next day NATO admitted carrying out an air strike somewhere in Sorman but denied that there were civilian deaths even as its drones filmed the scene close up. NATO’s media office in Naples issued a statement claiming “A precision air strike was launched against a high-level command and control node in the Sorman area without collateral damage.” NATO spokespersons also told Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch that “the facility was a legitimate military target and that all necessary precautions were taken before conducting the strike which minimized any potential risk of causing unnecessary casualties”.

The official NATO record of its bombing of Libya for June 20, 2011 reads as follows and remains unchanged:

“Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations Sorties conducted 20 JUNE: 149
Strike sorties conducted 20 JUNE: 52

Key Hits

20 JUNE: In the vicinity of Tripoli: 1 Command & Control Node, 8 Surface-To-Air Missile Launchers,
1 Surface-To-Air Missile Transport Vehicle. In the vicinity of Misratah: 3 Truck-Mounted Guns, 2 Self-
Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns, 1 Tank. In the vicinity of Tarhunah: 1 Military Equipment Storage Facility. In the vicinity of Al-Khums: 1 Military Vehicle Storage Facility. In the vicinity of Zintan: 1 Rocket Launcher.”

Oddly, NATO records for June 20th as well as subsequent reports of bombing attacks listed for June 20th and June 21st in its daily logs have never included the bombing attack on Sorman or the attack on the Al-Hamedi residence which indisputably killed 15 civilians.

Just before the bombs hit, eye witnesses, reported seeing red specks in the sky and then flashes of intense light, immediately followed by thunderous ear splitting blasts as eight American bombs and rockets pulverized their neighbors homestead.

In an instant Khaled El Hamedi’s family was dead. The children were crushed, blown apart or shredded into pieces, along with friends and extended family members who had slept overnight.

The attack resulted in killing a total of 13 people and injuring 6 people with severe injuries:

1 – Eng./ Safa Ahmed Mahmoud, wife of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
2 – Child / Khaleda Khaled El Khweldi El Hamedi (4 and half years). (Daughter)
3 – Child / El Khweldi Khaled El Khweldi El Hamedi (3 years and one day ). ( Son)
4 – Child / Salam Mohamed Nouri El Hamedi (6 years). the niece of Eng. Khaled ElHamedi
5 – Njie Belkacem El Hamedi, the aunt of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
6 – Child / Amnha Issam Jomaa (8 years). The daughter of the neighbor
7 – Child / Amira Issam Jomaa (8 months). The daughter of the neighbor
8 – Mohammed M’hamed El Hamedi . The cousin of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
9 – Imad Abu Aoueigila Trabelsi. The house guard
10 – Abdullah Al Nabi. The house guard
11 – Bashir Isaac Ali (Sudan). Working cook at the house
12 – Aisha Al Cleih (Morocco). Housekeeper
13 – Bushra Yali (Morocco). Housekeeper
1- Mr. Khweldi El Hamedi badly injured in his leg (Father )
2- Mrs. Khweldi El Hamedi badly injured in her arms and joints (Mother )
3- Msra Khweldi El Hamedi, student at Medical College, badly injured and had a
complicated surgery in her mouth (Sister)
4- Ayaa Mahmoud ( Cousin )
5- Fathiya , badly injured and lost her leg ( Babysitter from Morocco)
6- Moftah Elgmatti , several injuries in his legs and had a number of operations (driver)

Khaled was working late, attending meetings with displaced Libyans driven from their homes and urgently in need of IOPCR help. As he returned home, Khaled saw from his car window the sky light up and heard exploding bombs. He was frozen in horror as he entered his property and observed rescue workers frantically digging and futilely trying to move the thick concrete slabs of his home hoping against hope that they would miraculously find survivors.




Libyan government spokesman Mousa Ibrahim announced the death of 13 people, including six children,  who were killed at Sorman. He slammed the NATO bombing as a “cowardly terrorist act which cannot be justified.” Investigators, who visited Sibratha hospital 10 kilometers from Sorman, saw nine bodies, including three young children. They also saw body parts including a child’s head.

For those who visited the El Hamidi family compound back in June following the NATO bombings, as this observer did less than a week after the crime as part of an international delegation, the scene was one of total devastation.

Collapsed and blown apart concrete and tiled homes, small body parts, and bits of family belongings and memorabilia, trees, some blown over, others bending and nearly denuded of their foliage, dead, terrified and dying petting zoo animals, including exotic birds, Ostrich, Deer, small animals and large moose killed or left near death and most in a blind stupor staring blankly from what remained of their shelters while dying of wounds and from trauma.


Outside one of the bombed houses I noticed crushed cartons of spaghetti pasta and cans of tomato sauce, stockpiled for distribution to the needy as part of the work of IOPCR during the summer and in preparation for the coming Holy month of Ramadan observances which includes doing performing charitable works and individual humanitarian acts.

Under growing pressure from the international community including NATO member states, NATO HQ claimed equipment malfunction, missed target, poor intelligence and pilot errors. Finally US Defense secretaries Gates and his replacement, Leon Panetta admitted that NATO lacked effective intelligence on the ground to identify military targets with certainty. Former Defense Secretary Gates, in criticizing NATO’s operation in Libya implied that NATO used a ‘bomb first ask questions later’ paradigm in Libya. And this appears to have been the case.

These excuses in no way absolve NATO and its 28 NATO member states of responsibility.

Canadian Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard insists to this day that only Libya’s military was targeted: “This important strike will greatly degrade Gadhafi regime forces’ ability to carry on their barbaric assault against the Libyan people,” he told the media from his office in Brussels. The civilian deaths at Sorman came just hours after NATO acknowledged that one of its missiles had gone astray early on Sunday, hitting a residential neighborhood of Tripoli.

At the request of Khaled El Hamedi, himself being sought by Libya’s new government, and aware that I was going to return to Sorman, I felt honored as I made my way to his loved ones’ grave sites on the family homestead where he and I first met, in order to deliver a message from him to his loved ones.

Picking my way through debris in the dark, under the cold and suspicious eyes of a couple of local militiamen, I stood at the same spot, where on June 27th his family’s freshly dug graves bore witness to what Khaled was describing to our shocked delegation concerning the details of the horror and hellfire that NATO unleashed upon his family.

Back in June I had moved to the rear of our group as Khaled spoke to us about the loss of his babies, his beauties and his precious pregnant wife. I was embarrassed because for some reason, uncontrollable tears would not stop streaming down my face and, despite averting my eyes, I saw that Khaled noticed. I was touched when this young man, to whom I was a total stranger, came to me and put his arm around my shoulder in comfort. Clearly he understood that each of us can feel the pain of others, even of strangers, as well as connect them with our own losses of loved ones in life.

Later, as I learned more about Khaled’s family and saw their most expressive and revealing photos, I came to believe that with respect to the wanton criminal aggression that caused thousands of needless deaths of innocents over the period of nearly nine months against this simple, gentle society, that Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi, and the others slaughtered at Sorman, are forever iconic representatives of all the innocent civilians who were slaughtered in Libya since March 2011.

During my recent visit to Sorman, I stood at the same location as last June. I surveyed the area and then approached the graves of Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi. In the cold darkness it was and the piles of rubble still in place it was eerie.

I knelt close, felt a strange source of warmth and looked over my shoulder.

I whispered in the silent night that I had a message from your loving Husband, Father, Uncle and Nephew that he asked me to deliver to you.

I read to them the message entrusted to me. And I left a copy in Arabic, pinned to a bouquet of flowers:

The message read:

“Please say a very big hello to them and tell them I am coming.
Please tell them “I won’t leave you alone
And I miss each of you so very much.”
And please write them each a note.
Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi.
Franklin, Tell them, “You are my life.
You are my love.
I miss you very, very much.
Life without you is so painful, so hard and completely empty.
I won’t stay and live away from you. I promise.
I’ll return and be close to you. Baba will be back.
I love you.

As I made my way back to the main road in search of a taxi, a militiaman stopped me and interrogated me about why I was there, confiscated my camera and ordered me to leave the area at once.

I paused for a moment and looked back toward what had been a loving family home, a petting zoo and bird sanctuary that had delighted the children in this neighborhood.

A little boy and girl, perhaps siblings, maybe six or seven years old, approached me with their Ethiopian nanny and asked: “Wien, (where is) Khaleda? Wien Khweldi? metta yargeoun ila Al Bayt (when will they come home?)
“When will they come home?”

Unable to speak, I kissed and patted their sweet heads and continued on my way.


Nato's child victims

Khaled K. Al-Hamedi is strong, deeply religious, and fatalistic. He has pledged to family and friends around the world that he will continue his work with the International Organization for Peace, Care & Relief in spite of the life shattering loss of his loved ones.

An honorable family, a peaceful and welcoming town, a devastated country, and a shocked and angry international community demand justice from those who sent ‘Unified Protector’ and NATO’s no-fly zone to destroy Libya in order to “protect the civilian population.”

Source: Al-Manar Website


Franklin Lamb is doing research in Libya. He is reachable c\o He is the author of The Price We Pay: A Quarter-Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons Against Civilians in Lebanon.

He contribute to Uprooted Palestinians Blog

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Christian Zionist Stephen Harper’s New World Order Police In Action

March 26, 2011

No fly zone…over Toronto?.

Proof: Canada is not a “Free and Democratic” country

February 11, 2011

“Canada IS NOT a ‘Free and Democratic’ country.”

These words were written by WWII ace med pilot and patriotic Canadian, Grenville “Gren” Rogers, September 2009. Mr. Rogers knew who really runs the government of Canada.

Take a look here to see what else he had to say, especially about religion.

Christian Zionist prime minister mentally sound?

November 13, 2010

Harper on Israel: Is the Prime Minister mentally sound?

By Murray Dobbin

November 10, 2010

Watching and listening to Stephen Harper’s bizarre and unnerving speech about anti-Semitism and Israel raises the question as to whether or not the man is mentally fit to be prime minister.

In effect, Harper has taken the position of being Israel’s defender no matter what — in other words, this commitment comes before his duty as prime minister, before his duty to represent Canada’s interests abroad, before his role of elected representative. Harper is a defender of Israel no matter the consequences for Canada. He stated:

“[As] long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the United Nations, the Francophonie, or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand whatever the cost. I say this, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because history shows us, and the ideology of the anti-Israeli mob tell us all too well if we listen to it, that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of us.”

His dedication to that country supersedes his commitment to his own. That would be disturbing enough if Harper were merely a private citizen. But as prime minister it is beyond the pale and it isn’t much of a stretch to suggest it borders on the betrayal of Canada and certainly Canadian interests. For what does it mean that Harper will defend Israel no matter the consequences for Canada?

Harper referred in his speech to “the anti-Israeli mob.” I have to presume here that he is referring to all the Arab and Muslim countries which regularly criticize Israel at the UN. But, of course, not only them. UN resolutions criticizing Israel are regularly supported by virtually every country with the exception of Israel, the U.S. and — sometimes — El Salvador. Is the whole of the UN membership part of the “mob”?

Harper’s disturbing performance sends a clear message: Canada is prepared to sacrifice relations with all other countries if it has to defend Israel. Coming off the rejection of Canada for a Security Council seat, Harper deems determined to islate himself even more, and Canada along with him.

Harper’s speech was given to the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Anti-Semitism an international pro-Zionist group whose sole task is to redefine anti-Semitism to mean virtually any criticism of Israel. It claims members from 40 countries and is holding its second conference — the first was held last year in London, England. The Canadian contingent is called the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism (CPCCA).


It is unofficial but had members from the four major Canadian federal parties until the Bloc members quit the organization last spring citing the “the inequality of opinions presented before the Coalition,” and “the refusal of the Steering Committee to hear groups with opposing viewpoints.”

Harper expressed the position of the organization perfectly — a position designed to counteract the global effort to de-legitimize the Israeli apartheid state. He said:

“Harnessing disparate anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Western ideologies, it targets the Jewish people by targeting the Jewish homeland, Israel…We must be relentless in exposing this new anti-Semitism for what it is.”

This declaration of the “new anti-Semitism” is pure hogwash and everyone stating it or using it to attack critics of Israel knows it. For one thing, thousands of North American and European Jews regularly attack Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. Of course, Zionists refer to these humanitarians as “Jew-hating Jews,” a clever bit of racist spin but far from the mark.

Israel’s flunkies have to come up with something to attack because the evidence is clear – actual incidents of anti-Semitism have been on the decline for years. Something had to be done to make it look otherwise. Harper claims anti-Semites, instead of actually targeting Jews here, attack them by criticizing Israel. The pretzel-like twisting of that argument is obvious. We are being asked to believe that thousands upon thousands of Canadian human rights activists are closet anti-Semites and have to limit their anti-Semitism to attacking Israel.

Like most of Israel’s hard-line supporters, Harper claims that no one is saying Israel can’t be criticized: “Israel, like any country, may be subjected to fair criticism,”

But in fact Harper is saying Israel cannot be criticized. He has had ample opportunity to make “fair criticism” but virtually never does. (The single instance I am aware of was a very mild rebuke over continued construction of Israeli settlements on the West Bank.) He has never mentioned the brutal assault on Gaza which killed over 1,200 civilians, called the wanton destruction of Lebanon “a measured response” and backs Israel in all of its patently phony “commitments” to negotiating peace while deliberately taking positions that no Palestinian leader could possibly agree to.

The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism was originally going to issue a report last March. Then it was May. It was been delayed several more times and was supposed to be released at the meetings being held this week. It still hasn’t surfaced. On the organization’s website it still says “…we will be presenting a report of its findings in the late spring of 2010.” The group seems to have been inactive for sometime.

It was expected to call on the government to formally criminalize criticism of Israel. But perhaps its authors are beginning to realize that a document calling for the criminalization of free speech might not be the brightest idea they have ever come up with. Making a speech about the “new anti-Semitism” is one thing. Having it in a report, on permanent display for the whole world to see, is another. Personally, I hope they publish it. It might just be the last thing they do.

Letter to Christian Zionist, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

November 11, 2010



Date:          November 11, 2010 12:54:58 PM PST (CA)


Dear Stephen,

You are a traitor to the country of your birth. The shame that you are heaping upon Canada will ultimately reflect back upon yourself and all those associated with your heinous behaviour.

God help your perverse and damned soul.


Arthur Topham


The Radical Press

Canada‘s Radical News Network

“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”



by Arthur Topham
November 11, 2010

As a dedicated patriot and nationalist there is absolutely no doubt left in my mind that Canada’s Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, is an abject traitor as well as a full-blown slave to the racist, supremacist state of Israel.

Harper’s recent public pronouncements, voiced to an unofficial, international group of pro-Zionist parliamentarians in Ottawa that included the self-described “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism” (CPCCA), all of whom had gathered together within the hallowed halls of Canada’s parliament buildings to conspire further upon “new” strategies which might further the aims and ideology of the Zionist state of Israel, was the last straw for me in terms of holding out any hope that the Conservative Party of Canada would, and could, stand firm for traditional Canadian values, morals and principles of democratic government.

The concept and God-given right of freedom of speech, which has dominated the digital and print world of Canadian politics for a number of years now, forcing all sincere, freedom-loving Canadians to take a hard, second look at their supposed Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in light of a number of Canadian Human Rights Act’s, Sec. 13(1) cases brought forth by both federal and provincial “Human Rights” commissions, has now been unequivocally caste down, gauntlet-like, before the electorate by the seditious sophistry and deception emanating forth from the mouth of PM Stephen Harper.

The Emperor of Ottawa has finally shed his serpentine sheep’s clothing and now stands naked before the nation as a stark, fervent and rabid representative of the Israeli Zionist criminal cabal.

In light of the recurrent, historic ploy by the Israeli Zionists to re-invent the age-old wheel of “anti-Semitic” deception this latest overt and provocative support for Israel by Canada’s chief political CEO bares a striking resemblance to and repetition of the prophetic words and warnings of the late British journalist and writer Douglas Reed who, in his classic 1956 work on Israel and its ideology of political Zionism, The Controversy of Zion, describes clearly the very same methodologies now being recycled by the Harper government and the  “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism” in order to deceive the Canadian public and delete from its mass perception the true motives of Israeli domestic and foreign policies.

As stated in an original article on this unsavory decoy subject of “anti-Semitism,” B’nai Brith: Beating the anti-Semitic Drum, first published September 5, 2005 then updated in 2008 after I and my website were charged with a Sec. 13(1) “hate crime” of “anti-Semitism” by Harry Abrams and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, as far back as WWII the Zionist forces were already secretly infiltrating foreign governments, especially those of the USA and Canada, with the expressed intent of subverting them to Israeli interests.

In Chapter 43 of Reed’s book, ominously and aptly titled “The Invasion of America”, he describes to a tee the very same techniques presently being re-applied by Harper and the “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism” to discredit and criminalize any person, group, organization or publishing business that exposes the fundamental truth about the real structure, intent and purpose of this nefarious ideology and its present embodiment within the Israeli state.

As Reed then described the modus operandi of the Zionists:

“While military invasions and counter-invasions multiplied during the six years of the Second War, absorbing all thought and energy of the masses locked in combat, a silent invasion went on which produced more momentous effects than the armed ones. This was the political invasion of the American Republic [and Canada. A.T.] and its success was shown by the shape of American state policy at the war’s end….This was a three-pronged movement which aimed at the capture of the three vital points of a state’s defences: state policy at the top level, the civil services at the middle level and “public opinion” or the mass-mind at the base.”

This is a precise and apt description of what is presently being, once again, surreptitiously foisted upon the Canadian public by the likes of PM Harper and his band of disloyal insurgents who have managed, with the assistance of foreign Israeli lobbyists like the secret Jewish masonic order of B’nai Brith, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and other blatant Israeli-first traitors such as former federal Liberal Attorney General Irwin Cotler (brain-child of the “new anti-Semitism” catch phrase). All of them are hell-bent on using this former thread-bare Zionist trump card, “anti-Semitism”, to censor authentic debate and criticism and stifle freedom of speech when it comes to the shameful and despicably cold-blooded and cruel actions of the racist, supremacist Israeli government.

We need only look at the obvious actions and make up of our federal and provincial politicians and political parties; of our federal judiciary or Supreme Court of Canada (composed for the most part of pro-Zionist Jews); of our various civil organizations and “Human Rights” commissions and tribunals; and of our so-called mainstream media which is overwhelmingly controlled by pro-Israel, Zionist corporate interests, to see that this relentless “invasion” of our nation’s political and cultural infrastructure and mindset has now reached the apex in its rise to infamy and police state mentality and behaviour.

Further to this in-your-face dictatorial stance of Harper and his Israeli con-men advisers, Reed had more prescient observations to make which apply to the present circus act and siren song of the Zionist forces now occupying our federal and provincial levels of government and our msm. Thanks to the Zionist media’s overwhelming control and presence in our everyday lives it was able, as Reed stated, to impose, “the law of heresy on the public debate in America. No criticism of Zionism or the world-government plan is allowed to pass without virulent attack; . . .”

Back as far as 1956 he was right on the mark in stating that “America has today a few surviving writers who fight on for independent debate and comment. They will discuss any public matter, in the light of traditional American policy and interest, save Zionism, which hardly any of them will touch. I have discussed this with four of the leading ones, who all gave the same answer: it could not be done. The employed ones would lose their posts, if they made the attempt. The independent ones would find no publisher for their books because no reviewer would mention these, save with the epithets enumerated above.”

Regarding America’s B’nai Brith strong-arm for Israeli propaganda and the promotion of “hate crimes” legislation, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Reed stated:

“The A.D.L., of such small beginnings in 1913, in 1948 had a budget of three million dollars (it is only one of several Jewish organizations pursuing Zionist aims in America at a similar rate of expenditure). The Menorah Journal, discussing “Anti-Defamation Hysteria”, said, “Fighting anti-semitism has been built up into a big business, with annual budgets running into millions of dollars”. It said the object was “to continue beating the anti-semitic drum” and “to scare the pants off prospective contributors” in order to raise funds. It mentioned some of the methods used (”outright business blackmail; if you can’t afford to give $10,000 to this cause, you can take your business elsewhere”), and said American Jews were being “stampeded into a state of mass-hysteria by their self-styled defenders.””

I suggest that this very same ploy, originally designed to gain the support of American Jews who were disinterested in Zionism, is now being used against the Canadian public, with the help of the Zionist media, in order to muster up a similar state of “mass-hysteria” with regard to the “new anti-Semitism” presently being rammed down the collective throat and mind of Canadians across every spectrum by Harper and the “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism”.

A couple of final and important observations which Reed made regarding this endless aberration and ruse known as “anti-Semitism”.

Speaking of the inordinate power and influence of Zionist organizations like B’nai Brith International and its enforcement arm the ADL he quotes a Mr. Vincent Sheehan who, in 1949, wrote, “There is scarcely a voice in the United States that dares raise itself for the rights, any rights, of the Arabs; any slight criticism of the Zionist high command is immediately labeled as anti-semitic”. . .”

And, to state the obvious, underlying rationale for the behaviour of traitors like Stephen Harper, Irwin Cotler and all the rest of Canada’s pro-Israel political leaders:

“How is the oracle worked? By what means has America (and the entire West) been brought to the state that no public man aspires to office, or editor feels secure at his desk, until he has brought out his prayer-mat and prostrated himself to Zion? How have presidents and prime ministers been led to compete for the approval of this faction like bridesmaids for the bride’s bouquet? Why do leading men suffer themselves to be paraded at hundred-dollar-a-plate banquets for Zion, or to be herded on to Zionist platforms to receive “plaques” for services rendered?

“The power of money and the prospect of votes have demonstrably been potent lures, but in my judgment by far the strongest weapon is this power to control published information; to lay stress on what a faction wants and to exclude from it all that the faction dislikes, and so to be able to give any selected person a “good” or a “bad” press.”

The truth, regarding what is now happening here in Canada and elsewhere around the world, has never been more poignantly expressed than in these final two paragraphs of the late Douglas Reed. The collusion of Canada’s mainstream media with the Israeli government and the seditious motives of our political leaders have culminated in the insertion of the Trojan Horse of Zionism into Canada’s federal government and until this alien entity is expunged from Canada’s political, cultural and media milieu the fight to retain our rights to freedom of speech and expression will continue to widen and grow in intensity.

The death knell of this satanic, racist, supremacist and Nihilistic initiative on the part of Israel and its Zionist zealots and collaborators within our government to undermine Canada’s democratic principles and heritage must be rung loud and clear by each and every Canadian who values truth and freedom.

This cabal of Zionist cretins is anathema to our political and spiritual survival and, as such, PM Stephen Harper and his Conservative government must be removed from power as soon as possible and whatever government replaces them must not only defeat the Conservatives on the political battle field but, once victorious, formally arrest and try him and his accomplices for treason against Canada. Nothing short of such a radical move will prove efficacious in terms of ridding our nation of the clear and present danger that the state of Israel and the Zionist ideology pose to our God-given rights and freedoms.


Arthur Topham is a writer and the Publisher and Editor of living in British Columbia, Canada. Like all alternative Internet news outlets not on the Zionist payroll he relies upon the good will and generosity of those in cyberspace for financial assistance to help him with his work. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the following url on the Home Page (upper right hand corner) regarding donations. Also there is a “DONATE” button there for Paypal or here at free to use any of them if you can help out. Thanks.

Arthur welcomes all feedback to his articles and can be reached at or via telephone at (250) 992-3479.

For the Full Monty on the sec. 13 complaint case involving and B’nai Brith Canada please see:

Perfect marriage: quasi-fascist evangelicals and Bilderbergers

June 8, 2010

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a Bilderberger, an outfit that promotes world government and the dissolution of national governments. So what’s a “Christian” prime minister doing at an outfit like this? As Canadian author and journalist Marci McDonald points out, it’s all part of his Christian-Zionist theology, a theology that worships the State of Israel first and God second. Which is why Harper “was delighted” with warmonger Netanyahu’s visit while Israeli commandos were murdering aid workers on the Gaza flotilla, and why you won’t find John Hagee-type Christian Zionists protesting at Bilderberg meetings.

But there is also encouraging news. For example, the protesters at this year’s super secret Bilderberg meeting in Spain are your friends, so you ought to check out Charlie Skelton’s Bilderblog and the video update from the American Free Press to find out what the international elite, with the help of quasi-fascist evangelicals (Christian Zionists), are planning for you.

Possibly Canada’s biggest ‘Watergate’ scandal you’ve never heard about

April 3, 2010

Stephen Harper

Nine (9) dead judges in Canada…and you’ve never heard about it in the mainstream media. But if you have heard about the “water war crimes” through the mainstream media, it has been grossly distorted. Check out the following report which claims to be the real deal in investigating Canada’s water war crimes.

Thousands of viewers worldwide are now turning to the WaterWarCrimes web site to learn about the statistically impossible co-incidence of the sudden deaths of nine (9) Canadian judges linked to the WaterWarCrimes lawsuit in Canada’s Federal Court plus the sudden death by heart attack in January 2009, of a prominent Canadian politician and the sudden death by heart attack, in February 2010, of a retired prominent Canadian civil servant, both linked to the WaterWarCrimes.  The total death count is now eleven and set to go higher.

For decades, political and business insiders, with Canadian and British Columbian governments, have known that the water resources in the American southwest and Mexico were dwindling in the face of an increasing population. A small group of Canadian political insiders saw the opportunity to earn massive profits for themselves from the export of Canada’s fresh water and set about on a fraudulent and corrupt scheme to capture for themselves an illegal water export monopoly so they could line their pockets with revenues from the sale of Canadian public assests and gouge American consumers.

You can keep up to date here. The water war crimes site recently notes the strange resignation of Canadian Deputy Minister of Justice John H. Sims.