How Putin Taught Me a Lesson in Being Christ-like

November 26, 2015

Source: Russia Insider

The author is a well-known Danish journalist trained in theology, who writes on religious affairs. She is a regular contributor to Russia Insider.

Russia is the last major world power defending Christianity

Russia is the last major world power defending Christianity


When Turkey ambushed and shot down the Russian SU-24 on Tuesday, the world held its breath.

Would this “stab in the back by the accomplices of terrorists”, as Putin stated it, trigger World War III?

Despite Turkey’s insane act of war, Putin has no plans for starting a war against Turkey and its NATO accomplices.

No doubt Putin’s decision not to retaliate with military force springs from political strategy.

Yet nevertheless, it can also be seen as a self-sacrificial act.

Putin and Russia have received a major blow and chosen to turn the other cheek. Not because Russia is weak, fearful or incapable of responding with deadly force. But Putin has chosen to defeat the greater evil of terrorism instead of taking revenge.

Putin now invites his foes to cooperate to defeat the menace of terrorism. This is similar to Christ enduring the pain and shame of the cross to save the world. Russia seems to follow the same path.

Putin’s political decision is an expression of moral superiority and meekness that springs from being poor in spirit, the first step of following Christ and an ultimately spiritual Christian virtue. The society of which he is leader possesses the Christian foundation from which such stature springs.

Putin has not only taught me what it means to be Christ-like – his Christ-like response saved the entire world from war on Tuesday.

Thank God for Mr. Putin.

The Trial of Arthur Topham continues on Remembrance Day

November 11, 2015

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Dear Readers,

Yesterday, Tuesday November 10, 2015 was a day marked by many long delays which prevented Justice Butler from charging the jury until 4:00 pm.

Once the jury was given their instructions they retired to deliberate and remained sequestered (and will remain sequestered) until such time as they come to a decision.

They stopped last night at 9:00 pm and will resume deliberating this morning again.

It is expected (by me) that they will come to a decision today. Here in Canada November 11 (aka 11-11) is a national holiday called Remembrance Day in honour of all those Canadians who died in all the wars and conflicts throughout the 20th century.

Today, therefore, would be a fitting occasion for the jury to pronounce a verdict of NOT GUILTY in my case. It would signal a new beginning where all Canadians will have the right and freedom to express their opinions and beliefs without fear of government censorship. It was for this basic freedom that so many believed in that they gave their lives to protect it.

God grant that those 12 women and men will see the wisdom of doing what is right to protect and carry on this sacred, democratic right.


Arthur Topham

Missionary Spies

November 2, 2015

[MW note: This is an interesting story about how a faith-based “charity” was used as a spy outfit for the United States military.]

Source: The Intercept

ON MAY 10, 2007, in the East Room of the White House, President George W. Bush presided over a ceremony honoring the nation’s most accomplished community service leaders. Among those collecting a President’s Volunteer Service Award that afternoon was Kay Hiramine, the Colorado-based founder of a multimillion-dollar humanitarian organization.

Hiramine’s NGO, Humanitarian International Services Group, or HISG, won special praise from the president for having demonstrated how a private charity could step in quickly in response to a crisis. “In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,” read Hiramine’s citation, “HISG’s team launched a private sector operation center in Houston that mobilized over 1,500 volunteers into the disaster zone within one month after the hurricane.”

But as the evangelical Christian Hiramine crossed the stage to shake hands with President Bush and receive his award, he was hiding a key fact from those in attendance: He was a Pentagon spy whose NGO was funded through a highly classified Defense Department program. Read more.