Missionaries Who Campaign For War In The Name of Christianity

August 22, 2016

Source: WHTT

Every now and then we meet an old, loved but forgotten friend…and we also run across old snakes that we thought were dispatched last time we met.  You may guess the category of John Eibner, who now runs Christian Solidarity International.  Seemingly Christian, CSI  feeds on and spreads Islam-a-phobia, one of many who prosper on various faces and hues of racism.  Many, like Mr. Eibner, are focused on Islam.

Eibner wants donations for his work in the Middle East.  When we met him last in about 2003, he was pretending to redeem slaves in the southern part of Sudan.  That has now been shown to be an invented purchase and release scheme that many played and which raised $millions for mission promoters.  Sadly, as best we can tell, no slaves were ever freed, because most never existed in the definition of slavery we know.  But the business of raising money to free them has never stopped, because it is all profit.

Brazenly, John Eibner is circulating a story he wrote that is republished by a fanatically pro-war-with-Islam publication called Middle East Quarterly, thus giving credence to his questionable story.  We are linking you to Quarterly, along with Eibner’s website, in the interest of fair and honest disclosure.  Serious readers need to know how far Neo-Con connected publisher Daniel Pipes will go to stir up hatred toward Islam, and how far men like Eibner will go to raise dollars. The eventual results have been past and future wars, including the present ISIS war.  We will quote Eibner about his “career” of freeing slaves, that we know to be false and that Pipes swears to.  Please judge for yourselves.

The slave repatriation business, of which Eibner was a part 17 years ago, raised large funds from churchgoers who believed there were slaves in Sudan and that they could be freed for as little as $35.00 per head, an amount most churchgoers would not miss.  But this price tag proved to be a marketing device, for it was learned that a small lamb sold for more than $35.00 in Sudan, and slaves have always been the most pricey animal that breathes!  Let’s hear about the scam from Eibner himself:

My Career Redeeming Slaves

by John Eibner
Middle East Quarterly
December 1999, pp. 3-16

Eibner wrote, and Danial Pipes republished: “CSI began redeeming slaves in October 1995; as of October 1999, it has freed 15,447. An impressive number, perhaps, but it pales in comparison with the total number of slaves in Sudan.” My Career Redeeming Slaves.

The viewpoint of We Hold These Truths was confirmed when at least two well known  “missionaries” came clean and admitted the slave redemptions were photo-ops.  Why is this important?  It’s about war.  Those who vilify Islam (ISIS is not Islam) are conditioning others to accept continuing war in the Middle East and hatred of Muslims here at home.  Those who make a living by promoting hatred and war are our worst and most dangerous enemies, for they prey on the minds of our children.

Missionaries, Mercenaries, Missiles & Money:  The Untold Story of the War on the Children of Sudan

German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer

August 22, 2016

Source: RadicalPress

German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer and Steal His Computers

By Paul Fromm

PATHETIC! Once again, old communist Angela Merkel’s thought control goon squad has swept down on a dissident, raided and ransacked his home and stolen his computers. News just in: ” “Finally, the police raided today the home in Bavaria on Lake Starnberg of Alfred Schaefer, the German + Canadian retired IBM executive whose amazing videos (with those of his sister Monika) on the so-called holocaust stories and 9/11 have terrified the authorities.”

9/11 Brainwashing part 1
9/11 Brainwashing part 2

Alfred Schaefer, who made the “Sorry Mom . . .” video —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0_BZphQ7Qo , (89K views)
has had his house raided by police in Bavaria. All his computers were taken.


Ironically, the Basic German Law of 1949 brought in during the Allied occupation guarantees freedom of speech. However, just as with notions of “liberte” or the “freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom of the press” guaranteed by Mao-lover Trudeau I’s mendacious and weasely Charter of Rights and Freedoms, no one in the increasingly repressive West takes these promises seriously.

The New Unhappy Lords eager to flood the White world with the Third World and replace us with their grim New World Order are in a panic that more and more once complacent people are on to their game and to the phony New Religion of Holocaust designed to keep the masses ashamed, guilty and accepting of imposed “diversity.”

As a German Canadian, I am outraged that my father’s and mother’s generation sacrificed part of their youth and many sacrificed their health or their lives in a fratricidal war against fellow Europeans. Idealistically, they THOUGHT they were fighting for “King and country and democracy.” That, of course, was not the real agenda, but they were well intentioned and brave and that is what they imagined they were fighting for. What a sham, what a waste, what a shame to see the leaden hand of thought dictatorship smashing down doors and seizing computers all for the non-violent expression of a person’s opinion. That’s the very thing my parents’ generation thought they were fighting against.

Paul Fromm

Putin’s “anti-Evangelism” Law Revealed

August 22, 2016

Putin’s ‘Anti-Evangelism’ Law Revealed
Interview With Archbishop Gabriel
By Brother Nathanael Kapner August 21, 2016 ©
ARCHBISHOP GABRIEL, of full Russian extraction,
was born in 1961 and currently serves as
Bishop of Montreal and Canada with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR).

Upon graduating from Holy Trinity Seminary in New York in 1984, he became an instructor of Russian culture at the Seminary until 1989.

After serving as an assistant to his superiors, he was ordained as a hieromonk and soon consecrated as a bishop in 1996.

Steeped in the history and culture of Russia, Archbishop Gabriel speaks with authority on the religio-political scenario of that nation of which he and his peers call “Holy Russia.”

His “Monarchy Must Come To Russia” reveals a penetrating perspective on world events.

Br Nathanael: What’s this anti-evangelism law all about?

Abp Gabriel: It’s not an ‘anti-evangelism’ law, that’s a misnomer. It’s recognized by Russians as a set of “anti-terrorism laws,” officially titled, the “Yarovaya-Ozerov Laws.”

Br Nathanael: Why is the press calling it an “anti-evangelism” law?

Abp Gabriel: Because the Western press has been on a Russophobia track ever since the Washington-enabled coup in Ukraine. It’s just another attempt to pick on Russia as “the evil empire.”

Look, the Yarovaya-Ozerov Laws, which are the surnames of the sponsors of the legislation, primarily deals with internet and cell phone providers requiring storage of data for the purpose of identifying terrorist threats.

A subset of laws addressing ‘proselytizing’ by cults and unregistered religious groups were subjoined to the main body as an added precaution.

Br Nathanael: Added precaution?

Abp Gabriel: Yes. One concern is itinerant imams ‘proselytizing’ a radical brand of Islam, which is gaining an appeal among a segment of Muslim youth.

The other concern is that there is a belief in Russia among politicians and the people that some Protestant groups, including evangelicals, have been allowing their ‘churches’ to be used as covers for CIA operatives and foreign-backed NGO subversive activities. The supplementary laws will hamper these efforts and practices.

Br Nathanael: You mention “Russophobia” by the West with regard to these laws. Can you elaborate?

Abp Gabriel: Russia is a free country where all religions can worship and practice their faith without restraint.

But try “evangelizing” in Israel, you won’t get very far. Why is the Western press silent?

How about another ally of the US, Saudi Arabia? Share Christ with a Saudi Muslim and you’ll lose your head, literally.

Yet in Russia, with a large Muslim population inherited from Imperial Russia’s expansion, there’s a brand new, actually, an enormous mosque right in the center of Moscow. Could that happen in the center of Tel Aviv? I don’t think so.

Br Nathanael: Is the Russian Orthodox Church for or against the Yarovaya-Ozerov Laws?

Abp Gabriel: Neither. That’s because the laws primarily address terrorist threats.

Yet at the same time, and I visit Russia regularly, it needs to be understood what Solzhenitsyn pointed out when many in the West were criticizing Russia for its Soviet cultural-holdovers since 1991.

Br Nathanael: What did Solzhenitsyn say?

Abp Gabriel: “Give us time, we’re just getting off of our knees after 70 years of Bolshevik oppression.”

And this applies to proselytizing by evangelicals in Russia, and sects like Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses going door to door. There have also been attempts by Protestant groups to perform same-sex marriages.

Russians are still vulnerable to these efforts…some of these groups offer presents and money to induce Russians to come to their gatherings…and need time to return to their Orthodox roots.

Br Nathanael: But shouldn’t they be free to choose what religion to be part of?

Abp Gabriel: They are free to choose. But at the same time, as Solzhenitsyn said, “give us time.”

With the onslaught of Protestant so-called evangelism, much of it offering a “feel good” experience, Russians are yet vulnerable to this kind of Western influence.

Look, Russia’s culture was built upon the life of the Orthodox Church, especially before the era of Peter the Great.

Russians had lived in unison based on the teachings, daily cycle of worship, and worldview of the Church – but was disrupted in the 18th Century when Western influence began to creep in.

In some ways the influence was good with regard to Russia’s civil affairs, but had a deleterious effect on its religious consciousness due to the Vatican’s rationalistic worldview, and the rebellious spirit spread by Martin Luther’s Reformation.

Today, President Putin, a pious Orthodox Christian, is encouraging the growth of the Church both to re-invigorate Russia’s historical culture and instill a moral consciousness into society.

Br Nathanael: Do the people like what Putin’s doing?

Abp Gabriel: The majority of Russians support President Putin and view his efforts to regrow the Church as a positive thing.

Isn’t this better than what’s happening in America with its riots, homosexual propaganda which is gaining a foothold in the elementary schools, and now its repulsive transgender advocacy by the government?

And why is it, with Russia growing as a Christian country, it is targeted as an enemy by the US government and picked on for the slightest things? The Russian people constantly perceive a double-standard in operation.

Washington constantly criticizes Russia for “annexing” Crimea—a misnomer, since Crimea voted to “reunite” with Russia—yet brushes off blame for enabling the illegal annexing of Kosovo by Albania which historically and culturally has been part of Orthodox Serbia.

No wonder Russians look at the US government and shake their heads saying, “Before you take the speck out of our eyes, try taking the log out of your own.”

___________________________________For More See: Monarchy In Russia Must Come Click Here

And: The Religion Of Vladimir Putin Click Here

And: Russia Turns Christian…America Turns Jewish Click Here

And: The Future Belongs To Russia Click Here

And: Jewish War On Holy Russia Click Here

And: The Difference Between Putin And Obama Click Here

And: How Putin Celebrates Christmas Click Here


Hollywood’s Revenge on Dissident Historian David Irving

August 18, 2016


Hollywood’s Revenge on Dissident Historian David Irving

By Michael Hoffman

In late September the Zionists will once again advance their cartoon version of history by means of Hollywood, their “court” of first resort. Tinseltown is the ideal venue for projecting fantasies disguised as historical truth and trying and convicting heretics and dissidents. The target in question is English historian David Irving, author of more than 20 best-selling history books and the leading military historian of National Socialist Germany.

In the year 2000 he brought to trial a libel suit in London against Deborah Lipstadt, a dreary thought cop from Emory University in Georgia who has made it her life’s work to dream up a new category of heretic (“Holocaust denier”), reflective of the hysteria and megalomania of the religion of Holocaustianity, of which she is high priestess. The hobby horse of one obscure professor soon became a marching order for the media of the entire western world. The story behind that chilling Orwellian perversity is itself deserving of a book-length study.

Thanks to Deborah, many writers and historians now bear the career-withering “ holocaust denier” stigmata, branded both by new media (Google search engine, Wikipedia) and the senile print media. Imagine if every atheist who was a chemist, astronomer, geographer, novelist or sculptor, who did not believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, would have to endure going through life perpetually branded by the media as a “Resurrection-denier”?

Of course in our modern world one may deny the cental tenet of Christendom all one likes. Hollywood director James Cameron lavishly funds the Resurrection denial of Israeli activist Simcha Jacobvici. In the Israeli state there is a tourist trade based on selling maps and taking tours of what the Israelis describe as the tomb where the bones of Jesus rot, but Cameron and co. bear no contumely for it.

Read more.


How Jews lost the Lord’s Prayer

August 18, 2016

What’s your religion?

August 14, 2016


In 1790, Ezra Stiles, the president of Yale University wanted to know the religious beliefs of Benjamin Franklin who quit going to church. He had noticed “corrupting changes” just as today we see the corrupting changes inherent in Christian Zionism.

Here is part of Dr. Franklin’s reply.

      You desire to know something of my religion. It is the first time I have been questioned upon it. But I cannot take your curiosity amiss, and I shall endeavor in a few words to gratify it. Here is my creed. I believe in one God, the creator of the universe. That he governs it by his providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable service we render to him is doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal, and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this.  These I take to be the fundamental points in all sound religion, and I regard them as you do in whatever sect I meet with them.

As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think his system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw or is like to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting changes, and I have, with most of the present dissenters in England, some doubts as to his divinity; though it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon [he died a month later] an opportunity of knowing the truth with less trouble. I see no harm, however, in its being believed, if that belief has the good consequence, as probably it has, of making his doctrines more respected and more observed; especially as I do not perceive that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the unbelievers in his government of the world with any peculiar marks of his displeasure.

Canadian Christian activist hit with $104 million lawsuit

August 14, 2016


I hope this class action lawsuit against me and those who choose to stand with me wakes Christians and others up to the reality of what is happening in the West. As homosexual activism and other libertine and anti-Christian movements gain power in Canada, freedom and truth are dying and those cherished principles are being replaced with falsehood, censorship and tyranny.

I have no intention of divulging the identities of anyone who has chosen to help me. My advice for my Christian friends is be wise and courageous. Pray and do what you can to stand against this tyranny. Also if you sent me some cash, offered me a bed, or helped make a Gospel condom, keep your mouths shut if these vengeful homosexual activists come snooping. Ask your friends to keep their yaps shut too. If the Ontario courts are corrupt enough to go along with this and if they put me in jail for not cooperating with this witch hunt, just send me the occasional $20 for prison canteen, so I can enjoy some potato chips and continue to write God pleasing commentaries from my jail cell. As much as possible, I don’t want anyone to make it easy for these homosexual activists and lawyers to silence debate or attain any sort of a financial reward at my or my friend’s expense.


Bill Whatcott

Source: RadicalPress