9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview

July 31, 2011

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview (July 20, 2011)

“We Know Who, We Even Know Why…” Tying Israel Irrevocably to 9/11

Sabrosky’s case, presented with much clarity, plants responsibility for 9/11 at the feet of Israel and Americans whose loyalties, if we can call them that, are certainly not to the United States.  That these “Americans” now believed to be complicit in the planning and execution of the 9/11 terror attacks are, for the most part, officials of the government, is telling.


Free Office Software

July 31, 2011

In a computer store last Tuesday, I saw a customer drop $349 needless dollars onto the counter for MS Office. It’s a pity the customer didn’t know that even better programs are FREE on the internet. The same goes for other software such as PhotoShop, etc.

Why give up your hard-earned and over-taxed salary to New World Order (NWO) companies such as Microsoft (Council on Foreign Relations tries to deny it) when FREE programs are just as good or even better. Just say no to Microsoft; if you just can’t give up the Microsoft habit, do yourself a favor and try Open Office because it even reads your old MS Office files for you! Also, for the best free software in all categories on the net, look here. And save your bucks to fight the NWO.

After Oslo…

July 30, 2011

After Oslo: Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism

The July 22, 2011 slaughter in Norway is “yet another example of a state-sponsored terrorist attack by Israel’s Mossad” and “was engineered to shock erstwhile peaceful Norway, a nation where police generally still patrol the streets unarmed, into adopting the police state tactics of the United States, Israel, Britain, and other Western nations.” More.

Rev. Fr. David B. Smith, parish priest, the “Fighting Father” fights Christian Zionism too

July 26, 2011

The final word on the place of modern Israel in Biblical Prophecy

I’ve been hearing it, in one form or another, ever since I was converted as a teenager – that God has a plan for political Israel, such that the fate of the nation is intricately tied to the fulfilment of other Biblical prophecies and, indeed, to the second coming of Christ!

I can’t remember where I heard it first – whether I first read it in Hal Lindsey’s “Late Great Planet Earth” or whether I heard it earlier from New Zealand’s white Pentecostal evangelist, Barry Smith. Either way, I’ve heard it plenty of times since, and the spiel is always basically the same – that the triumph of Israel over its Middle-Eastern neighbours has been clearly prophesied in the Biblical texts, and that until this happens, the ‘final battle’ (‘Armageddon’) and the ensuing 1000-year reign of peace can’t happen either.

The spiritual thrust of this sort of message is always ‘give yourself to Christ so that you will be ready when he reappears.’ There is an obvious accompanying political message too though – that we should all lend a hand to the state of Israel in her battles with her neighbours, lest the progress of the Biblical prophecies be somehow frustrated, or at least stalled.

Christian Zionism’ is the technical term for this reading of the Scriptures. Ironically, it tends to flourish best in areas of the church where there is a strong distinction between the sacred and the secular – between religion and politics. Indeed, most Christian Zionists will tell you that political matters have nothing to do with their faith, which is concerned exclusively with their personal salvation. The only exception is with matters concerning political Israel, which still has a special role to play in God’s plan of salvation.

Beliefs along these lines are widespread amongst Evangelical Christians, particularly in the US, where they translate into an aggressively pro-Israel foreign policy. In recent years, the Christian Zionist lobby has played a significant role in supporting and strengthening the special bond that exists between Israel and the West., and members of the church have been actively courted by Israeli nationalists both in the US and in the state of Israel itself!

OK. Enough about Christian Zionism! If you didn’t know what it is, you do now. Either way, I’d encourage you to give it a wide berth! Why? Because, in my view, Christian Zionism is both wrong and dangerous!

It is wrong because it arises out of a misunderstanding of the Bible. It is dangerous because it sanctions actions that contribute to the supremacy of the state of Israel without regards to their broader consequences, and without any serious evaluation of the moral nature of the actions themselves.

Now … I do believe that I have a simple way of demonstrating to Christian Zionists that they are completely off-track! My argument is simple and decisive, and I have never yet met a Christian Zionist who is able to respond with anything more than a blank look when confronted with this argument.

What’s more, it doesn’t involve disputing any of the so-called prophetic texts. It doesn’t require me to challenge the distinction between sacred and secular. It doesn’t even require me to adopt a political position on the state of Israel. I could be very pro-Zionist and still maintain this point; that Biblical prophecy is never normative!

Biblical prophecy is never normative. In other words, prophecies in the Bible never function as commandments – telling us directly how to determine our relationships with our neighbours. They function to bring us closer to God – generally through repentance. Allow me to flesh this out:

When Amos proclaims God‘s judgement – “For three transgressions of Israel and for four, I will not revoke the punishment” – his purpose is not simply to upset people by telling them that they are about to be destroyed, nor is he giving them an invitation to come and join him in destroying Israel. On the contrary, his purpose is to call his hearers to repentance so that Israel might not be destroyed.

When the prophet Jeremiah rails against the sins of Israel, and predicts that a ‘boiling pot from the north’ will spill over in their direction and destroy everything, this is not designed to shift anybody’s political allegiance from Israel to the northern nation of Babylon (or Assyria).

On the contrary, Jeremiah’s sincere hope always was that the events he prophesied would not come to pass, and when things did take place just as he had predicted, Jeremiah wrote a whole book of Laments, mourning the tragedy of Jerusalem‘s destruction!

Do you see my point? Jeremiah predicted the destruction of Israel, but this does not mean that he endorsed it as a good thing, or wanted to encourage anybody to help make it happen.

Yes, the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC was the fulfilment of the Jeremiah’s prophecy, but it was still a great tragedy that should have been prevented, and, according to Jeremiah, could have been prevented, had the people turned to their creator in repentance and faith.

Biblical prophecy is not normative. Jeremiah’s prophecies did not make the destruction of Jerusalem a morally acceptable act, and if we had been a part of his audience, the correct response would not have been to go and enlist in the Babylonian army so as to join in the looting. No. Such prophecies have a specific spiritual purpose, functioning something like shock therapy. The prophet paints a shocking picture of the judgement that is about to fall with a view to rattling his hearers to the point that they wake up to the fact that something is seriously wrong!

This is what distinguishes Biblical prophecy from both fortune-telling and electioneering. Biblical prophecies are not given for the sake of satisfying anybody’s curiosity about the future, any more than they are designed to help shape 21st century foreign policy. Prophecies are given in order to call people to back to God.

This is where Christian Zionism just gets it plain wrong.

Christian Zionists claim that the Biblical prophecies point to the triumph of 21st Century political Israel over its Middle-Eastern neighbours. I think that their interpretation of the Biblical texts is erroneous, but that is unimportant here. What is important is, even if they were entirely correct, and that a particular Biblical prophet did indeed predict a military victory for modern Israel over, say, Iran, this would not mean that either the prophet or the Bible was endorsing this as a good thing, deserving of our support, any more than the destruction of Jerusalem that Jeremiah foretold was viewed as a good thing, worthy of support. On the contrary, as in the historic example, even if it were ‘prophesied’, the right thing to do, from a Scriptural point of view, might well be to oppose it.

Biblical prophecy has never been normative for people of faith. It is the commandments that are normative. You know the ones – ‘love God and love your neighbour’. These are the Divine commands that inform our actions and tell us how we ought to behave towards our neighbours. And it is only on the basis of these commandments that we can construct a Biblically-based foreign policy – on the basis of love!

Perhaps I shouldn’t be too harsh in judging my Christian Zionist brethren for confusing prophesy and commandment. After all, the prophet Jonah himself was guilty of exactly the same confusion.

You remember Jonah, don’t you? After his adventure with the big fish, he did end up going to Ninevah and delivering his message: “Yet forty days and Ninevah will be destroyed”.

.It was a very simple message, and if ever a Biblical prophesy appeared to be a simple prediction about the future, it was Jonah’s.

If you made it to the end of the book, you know that Jonah, after delivering his message, found a good vantage point outside of the city and sat there, waiting for the fireworks to begin. Much to his own chagrin, they do not begin. His prediction was not fulfilled. Why not? Because his prophecy had been successful. Do you see the distinction?

Jonah’s prophecy was successful, in that it caused people to repent and come back to God. The result was that the city did not need to be destroyed. God is depicted as being very happy about this. Jonah was not.

Read over the last chapter of the book of Jonah sometime if you’ve missed the details. Jonah treated his prophecy as if he were simply informing people of the inevitable. He fully expected the judgement to happen and believed that it was right and fitting. Indeed, I suspect that nothing would have made Jonah happier than if God had given him the privilege of pressing the button to detonate the fire and brimstone attack upon Ninevah. But it was not to be!

Jonah made the mistake of seeing the destruction of Ninevah as a good thing, simply because he had prophesied it! If he’d had any Christian Zionists with him, they might have formed an anti-Ninevah foreign policy on the basis of his prophecy. They might have further concluded that sending arms to Ninevah’s enemies was an appropriate response to Jonah’s prophecy. Thankfully the people of Ninevah knew how to respond to Jonah‘s words. They repented, which was the purpose of the prophecy all along!

Biblical prophecy is not normative! It is the commandments that are normative.

Confusing the two is not simply a mistake. It is dangerous and can be downright wicked, because when you confuse prophecy and commandment, you run the risk of breaking the commandments for the sake of seeing your prophecy fulfilled.

Let’s get specific here:

The oppression of the Palestinian people by the state of Israel in recent years has been horrendous. Between the massacres and assassinations and the daily grind of an apartheid system that treats Israeli Arabs as second class citizens, all the commandments have been broken.

If we look at the situation through the eyes of Jesus – with eyes of compassion and mercy – we cannot but be moved to both pity and anger. Pity for the many who have been victimised – both Palestinians and Jews who have tried to resist the occupation. And anger towards the foreign countries who make the oppression possible – countries that include Australia as well as the US.

And the saddest part, from my point of view, is that much of this oppression takes place in the name of religion, and with the blessing of the many parts of Christ’s church, because it is all seen as being a necessary part of the great end-time drama, as depicted in the Biblical prophecies. How shameful!

Biblical prophecy is never normative!

Jonah prophesied that Ninevah would fall. Thanks be to God, his prophecy was NOT fulfilled.

Jeremiah predicted that Jerusalem would fall. Oh, what a good and godly thing it would have been had we been able to prevent that from happening!

The fact that something has been prophesied does not mean that such an outcome is a good thing. The predicted events may be things that we should oppose. We need to be guided here by the commandments. The commandments inform our actions, not the prophecies themselves.

OK. That’s the spiel. Are you convinced? I hope so. I accept though that many Christian Zionists will not be convinced.

Even amongst those who read and understand what I have said, some will not be convinced, but will continue to believe that the Lord Jesus would have us give unilateral support to the State of Israel, regardless of their record of human rights abuse. I accept that. People are complex, and hold to these types of positions for reasons that are often difficult to understand.

But know this – that the Christian Zionist position is not logical, it’s not moral, and it’s certainly not Biblical, even if its adherents to add ‘because the Bible says’ every time they state their case.

Rev. David B. Smith
(the ‘Fighting Father’)

Parish priest, community worker,
martial arts master, pro boxer,
author, father of four


Fighting Father Dave

First published as “The final word on the place of modern Israel in Biblical Prophecy” in Feb 2006

Apocalypse: Perspectives on the Book of Revelation from the Left, Right, and Center

July 25, 2011
Richard Edmondson is a journalist, poet, and peace activist. Without his permission, I’ve taken the liberty to post his entire essay on the Book of Revelation, the favorite book of the bible studied by my missionary father when he was living. Richard’s prose is almost poetic and a pleasure to read. And there is something here for everyone. mw

Apocalypse: Perspectives on the Book of Revelation from the Left, Right, and Center

By Richard Edmondson

Doomsday, end-of-the-world-type scenarios seem to be much on people’s minds these days, or at least a number of bloggers are lately posting on the subject (see here, here, here, and here for example). Hardly surprising that humanity’s collective thoughts would turn in such a direction given the nuclear crisis in Japan and the existence of a nuclear-armed rogue state in the Middle East led by religious fanatics bent on world domination (and no, I’m not talking about Iran).

With all of the above going on I thought it might be timely to post some information on Saint John’s Apocalypse, also known as the Book of Revelation—the final book in the Christian Bible. Much of what follows is compiled from a chapter entitled “The Apocalypse,” taken from my novel, The Memoirs of Saint John, which was published in October of last year.

The Book of Revelation was written on the Greek island of Patmos, which is believed to have served as a Roman penal colony and is located off the coast of what is today Turkey. Most modern scholars date the writing to around 95 or 96 AD, although some have suggested an earlier date. The writer identifies himself only as “John” and Christian tradition has long held the author to have been John the disciple of Jesus, although his identity has come to be heavily disputed in modern times. If he was the disciple he would have had to have been quite old at the time of the writing, and some have suggested he may have actually been a lesser-known “presbyter,” or elder in the early church, of the same name. In an effort to avoid a wrangle over the author’s precise identity, a lot of people nowadays simply use the term “John of Patmos” and leave it at that. In any event, what we have here is a man imprisoned in a Roman penal colony who one day sees an apparition of Christ, or “one like a son of man,” as he describes it. The figure, standing amidst seven golden candlesticks, instructs him to write down in a book an account of a series of visions that are about to come to him—and what then follows is “the nightmare of God,” as St. John’s Apocalypse has been termed.

Heavily impregnated with symbolism, the Book of Revelation is puzzling and mysterious. A mystique in fact has come to surround it. Despite its many ambiguities, the tract has been, and continues to be, interpreted in creative, often absurd ways. It is regarded as history, end-times prophecy, or even both, by categories of expounders to whom such names as “preterists,” “historicists,” and “futurists” have been applied. In modern times, mainstream Christianity has tended to deemphasize the Apocalypse; church lectionaries seldom feature it any more, yet its passages have been evoked in countless books and movies. Moreover, for all its mysterious qualities, it does seem to resonate with disparate branches of the faith, from fundamentalists at one end of the spectrum, to liberation theologians at the other. Scholars, for their own part, have viewed the Woman Clothed with the Sun as representing the Virgin Mary, or alternately as the heavenly or earthly church, or Israel, while exegetes of various stripes have struggled to name the beast, or decode the number 666. In all of history, perhaps no other piece of writing, including the works of Plato and Shakespeare, has held such sway over the human imagination, or the Western imagination at any rate. This has shown no sign of slacking off in modern times. On the contrary, if anything, with the world entering the nuclear age in the 20th century, the reverse has been the case.

In 1970, Hal Lindsey published The Late Great Planet Earth. Translated into 53 languages, the book became something of a manifesto for Christian dispensationalists, eventually selling more than 35 million copies and generating an astounding amount of mainstream attention. Essentially Lindsey’s interpretation of biblical prophecy, The Late Great Planet Earth is filled with cold war rhetoric, with the author casting the Soviet Union as the biblical “Gog” and warning of “the vast hordes of the Orient” who, in Lindsey’s view, would probably become “united under the Red Chines war machine” in time for the final Battle of Armageddon. These theories were finely tuned in a follow-up book, published in 1973, entitled There’s a New World Coming, a chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse analysis of Lindsey’s interpretation of the Book of Revelation. In it, he speaks of the “merciless, sweeping tyranny” of an Antichrist who would rise out of Europe. Significantly, the European Common Market, in the early 1970s, stood at just under ten members. John’s “beast from the sea,” described in Revelation chapter 13, has ten horns, as does the fourth beast in the Old Testament Book of Daniel. Lindsey took it all as evidence that the European Common Market (now with 27 members and known as the European Union) would morph into a “Revived Roman Empire” that would supplant the United States in power. As for the latter, America suffered from a weakness in its will to resist communism, and “is nowhere intimated in the Bible’s prophecies of the last war of the world.”

In yet another bestselling book on prophecy, John F. Walvoord, chancellor at Dallas Theological Seminary, also warned of a coming world conflagration in his Armageddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisis. The book was originally published in 1973, but was reissued in 1990—just in time, seemingly, for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in the first Gulf War. Walvoord, too, saw a revived Roman empire shaping up in Europe, but he also regarded the “power of Arab oil” as being destined to play a deciding role in what he referred to as the “Armageddon countdown.” Armageddon, Oil, and the Middle East Crisiscites a number of passages from Revelation, including its references to the Euphrates River (16:12); Walvoord also depicted Saddam Hussein as having “the ambition of establishing a new Babylonian Empire with himself in the role of Nebuchadnezzar.” But as for any role America might play in the planet’s coming “death struggle,” Walvoord seemed to agree with Lindsey: “No specific prophecy whatever is found concerning the role of the United States, indicating that its contribution will be a secondary one as the world moves on to Armageddon,” he said.

Revelation’s use of “Babylon” as a code word for imperial Rome was of course key for evangelicals watching events unfold in the Middle East. But some Christian dispensationalists took the literal view, that is that a literal rebuilding of ancient Babylon, on the site where it once stood in today’s Iraq, was a necessary precursor to the final Battle of Armageddon. Saddam Hussein’s alleged plans to do no less than just that were revealed in The Rise of Babylon: Sign of the End Times by Charles Dyer of the Moody Bible Institute. Arousing considerable public interest, particularly in the evangelical community, the book was originally published in 1990, and then reissued in early 2003—apparently timed for America’s second invasion of Iraq. “Prideful” and “barbaric”—these are some of the adjectives Dyer used to describe Saddam Hussein, in a book whose front cover artwork featured an image of the Iraqi leader’s face, with a mushroom cloud adorning the back. And what of America? How did it figure into Revelation’s prophecies? Again, like Lindsey and Walvoord, Dyer felt the United States was “strangely absent” from biblical predictions of the end times.

But of course nothing captured the public imagination quite like the Left Behind series by authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. The books hit the mass-market fiction audience starting in the mid-1990s, serving up the adventures of a “tribulation force” of Christian believers who do battle with the Antichrist Nicholas Carpathia. The latter assumes control of the “Global Community” (the newly renamed United Nations), and moves its headquarters to “New Babylon,” which has been erected—where else?—on the ancient site in Iraq.

Lindsey, Walvoord, and Dyer, like most Christian evangelicals in the latter half of the 20th century, shared an almost deified admiration for Israel, and viewed the establishment of the Zionist state as a fulfillment of prophecy. (Many evangelicals today are moving away from that view. See here, here, here, and here, for just a few examples.)


In reading the Book of Revelation, university scholars generally part company, and in significant ways, with evangelical authors. One such scholar has been Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, a Harvard professor of religious studies and author of two books on the Apocalypse. The Book of Revelation’s main value is the insight it provides into the thinking of Christian communities of the late first century, argues Schüssler Fiorenza, who cited Walvoord in particular as an example of “how a fundamentalist reading of Revelation and imperialist politics intertwine.”

“Biblical scholars do not read Revelation as a code by which to decipher events of our own time,” she adds.

Writing in 1991, Schüssler Fiorenza viewed the Apocalypse as exhibiting “bizarre language” as well as a “grotesque world of vision,” yet she also felt it was an “outcry for justice.” To look upon the book as a prediction of future events, she reasoned, would be “disastrous,” however. Instead, Revelation should be regarded as a “vision of a just world.” Schüssler Fiorenza also considered the premise of authorship by John the disciple of Jesus to be “not tenable.”

In his 1993 book, The Theology of the Book of Revelation, UK scholar and professor Richard Bauckham viewed the Apocalypse as a work “composed with astonishing care and skill.” In his view, “we should certainly not doubt that John had remarkable visionary experiences,” yet Bauckham, too, dispelled the notion of the book’s being a picture of the future. Rather, he said, the ancient author’s intended purpose was “to counter the Roman imperial view of the world,” but the way he went about doing that is what aroused Bauckham’s admiration for the text; the Apocalypse, he noted, “creates a complex network” of literary cross references, parallels, and contrasts, all put together in an “astonishingly meticulous” manner. The grouping of various things into sevens—cups, seals, churches, and the like—is only a small part of this picture. In addition to these more obvious groupings, Bauckham discovered “numerical patterns” in references to God, Christ, and the Spirit scattered throughout the text. These references often fall into factors of four or seven. For instance, seven designations for “Lord God Almighty” (found at 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 19:6; and 21:22), are complemented by seven beatitudes (at 1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; and 22:7 and 14), and fourteen occurrences of the name “Jesus.” In addition, the word “Lamb” in reference to Christ, occurs twenty-eight (7 x 4) times. Seven of these are in phrases linking God and the Lamb together (at 5:13; 6:16; 7:10; 14:4; 21:22; and 22:1 and 3); while there are also four references to the “seven Spirits” (1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6)…and seven references (5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15) to what Bauckham referred to as the “four-fold phrase” (“peoples, tribes, languages, and nations”)—a phrase used by John as an indicator for all humanity. Baukham felt patterns such as these were “likely to be deliberate.”

In the ancient world, the number seven represented completeness, while the world, with its four wind directions, four corners, etc., was depicted by the number four. For Bauckham, Revelation addressed the “worldwide tyranny of Rome” in a manner that made it essentially “the most powerful piece of political resistance literature from the period of the early Empire.” Of course, Rome isn’t the only thing at which the Apocalypse takes aim. The words “synagogue of Satan” are found at two points in the text (2:9 and 3:9). For Bauckham, the phrase sounded “dangerously anti-Semitic,” and in fact “would be, if repeated outside its original context.” But Baukham regarded 2:9 and 3:9 as evidence of an “intra-Jewish dispute,” rather than an outpouring of anti-Semitism, a dispute which he described as “a rift like that between the temple establishment and the Qumran community, who denounced their fellow Jews as ‘an assembly of deceit and a congregation of Belial.’”

Indeed the Apocalypse does have “insiders,” as well as those who seem clearly and pejoratively regarded as “outsiders.” Scholar Cameron Afzal felt the tract’s intended audience was the insiders, and that as such the Book of Revelation was not, per se, a missionary text intended to convert others to the Christian faith. Furthermore, Afzal, in his 2008 work, The Mystery of the Book of Revelation, contended that the author, whichever John it may have been, was possibly the most revolutionary thinker of his age.

Among us are artists, visionaries, thinkers with creative minds that help shape our communal perspectives. Their work becomes a part of culture and helps us to perceive and apprehend both ourselves and the world around us. These cultural artifacts don’t necessarily create reality in order to flourish and grow. Sometimes one of us will attempt to radically reconfigure the way in which we look at the world. St. John of Patmos was one such man.
Afzal felt John had intended his narrative of world cataclysm to function as a “future trace,” as Afzal put it, an indication that something is to occur in the future, much as a glow in the sky before dawn indicates the sun will rise. “In a sense the future trace lies at the foundation of all modern physics in the form of probability theory or even quantum mechanics,” he said. He also noted the book’s extensive grounding in Jewish literature and culture, and said there is an “emerging consensus” that the author was indeed a Jew.

It’s worth pausing here to note that one of the basic concepts of quantum theory is that matter possesses a particle-wave duality, exhibiting characteristics of each. This in turn gives rise to a level of uncertainty over a particle’s precise position, creating in effect a “range” of possibilities. The wave is what determines the range, but when the position of the particle is measured, the range narrows, creating what scientists refer to as “wave collapse.” Why the phenomenon occurs has not been completely understood. Is it the mere act of observing? If so, would there then be no wave collapse without consciousness, and would the collapse therefore be deemed a result of “downward causation,” as scientists refer to it, or—as theologians would term it—“divine intervention”? It’s an interesting question. Theologians of course deal in matters of the spirit—a dubious concept for most scientists, yet in the world of quantum physics, dubious concepts often materialize into reality, the experiments of French physicist Alain Aspect and associates in the early 1980s being a case in point. Aspect proved that two particles emitted from the same wave function remained inextricably correlated. A change in one produced a similar and instantaneous change in the other, even when the particles were separated by a distance of more than a kilometer. Communication normally occurs by means of signals carrying energy. But in this case, there was none. The effect has been referred to as “spooky action at a distance.”

To no great surprise, actual victims of oppression read the Book of Revelation in a manner far, far different from ivory-towered university professors, or even pulpit-pounding evangelicals. The power of the Apocalypse and its relevance to the South African struggle against apartheid was the subject of Comfort and Protest, a 1987 book by Allan Boesak.

I heard from family members how a mother and her four-month-old baby and six-year-old handicapped boy were driven out of their shack by tear gas. As they ran out they were driven back again by gunshots. While they were inside, the shack was set alight and they were burned alive. The police looked on without lifting a finger. The young man who told me the story was barely eighteen. I had no answer to his burning anger, nor had I comfort for the tears of the old woman who stood next to him.
The “comfort” Boesak finally elected to offer was that of Saint John’s Apocalypse. Boesak, a minister in the Dutch Reformed Mission Church of South Africa, initiated a series of Bible studies for his congregants on the Book of Revelation. The latter, he held, has “much to say to our own times, and especially to those of us who, like the churches of John’s time, must live under political repression.” Boesak rejected the futurist interpretation of Revelation adopted by evangelicals, but likewise he also found fault with scholars who read the work solely in terms of its first century setting. Instead, he put forth a “contemporary-historical” understanding of the work: “No prophecy receives its full and final fulfillment in one given historical moment only, or even in a series of events. If the prophecy is the expression of an undeniable truth which comes from God, it will be fulfilled at different times and in different ways in the history of the world.”

But South Africa wasn’t the only place people were reading Revelation and drawing solace from it. In 1994, the Chilean priest Pablo Richard published his book, Apocalypse: A People’s Commentary on the Book of Revelation, following a series of workshops held primarily in Central America. The gatherings averaged eighty persons each, including peasants, indigenous people, leaders of Christian Base Communities and the like. Richard’s conclusion was that Revelation is having a “decisive influence” in the Third World, where it is “coming to be the preferred book of the Christian Base Communities” and other ecclesial movements seeking social change. Its appeal, he said, is that it “unveils the reality of the poor and legitimizes their liberation.” Richard furthermore felt that the Church ignores or downplays Saint John’s vision at its own peril. “Over the long run, it was disregard of Revelation that opened the way for the incorporation of the church into the dominant imperial system and the construction of an authoritarian Christendom. To retrieve Revelation is to retrieve a fundamental dimension of the Jesus movement and of the origins of Christianity.”

Unlike Richard, Catholic lay writers Wes Howard-Brook and Anthony Gwyther, writing in 1999, went so far as to attach a modern-day name to the beast: “global capital,” they called it. The co-authors regarded Revelation’s imagery as “lurid and violent,” but then the beast of global capital also exerts a “systemic violence” that is “visible and apparent,” they said. “We have also noted the ‘war against the poor’ waged on behalf of global capital in Latin America and other places when people are murdered for daring to seek dignity and the basics of life.”

But the violence capable of being unleashed upon the planet by those of wealth and privilege was not only sensed and intuited by Third World peasants. Others saw it as well. In the United States, the Jesuit priest Daniel Berrigan wrote Nightmare of God while jailed for his anti-nuclear activism in the early 1980s. Berrigan takes his own country to task for “preparing for ever more lethal incursions” against other countries and peoples, while he also issues a withering criticism of biblical scholars: “To most scholars of the Bible, the crimes of the U.S. Air Force are forever beside the point. Thus does crime multiply and scholarship rot.” The Apocalypse, in Berrigan’s view, contains a “social bias” in favor of the victims of oppression, unlikeAmerica, which Berrigan felt was bent upon “carving the earth” through war. “Bellicose, selfish, self-deluded, icy, absolutely resolute—behold the Rome of the Book of Revelation. Behold also America?” For Berrigan there was only one choice: “resist the state.”

With the publication of Nightmare of God in 1982, Berrigan may well have become the first American to draw a public analogy between modern day United States and the beast in Revelation, but outside the United States, others were making identical comparisons. One was Guatemalan exile-poet Julia Esquivel. Her poem, “Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.”, was written in November of 1981 and published the following year in her collection Threatened with Resurrection; here the poet speaks of being “led by the Spirit” on the “eve of Thanksgiving Day” into the desert where she has a “vision of Babylon.” It is a lengthy poem, and one very much worth reading in its entirety. I will supply here an excerpt.

Later another Angel showed me
the plains of California,
and I heard a great cry
which poured from the earth,
rising above the smoke
from the skyscrapers,
until even the Father could hear it,
and it reached the throne of the Sacrificial Lamb.
It was the cry of the blood
of thousands of innocent martyrs.

Then I recognized the Beast
which has a thousand faces
and a different mark
on the forehead of each.
The marks blazed with arrogance
in colorful, scintillating lights,
imitating the stars and wasting the energy
stolen from the world’s poor.

These marks
deceived the ignorant
and those who flee from the truth:
those who worship the Beast
in the Bank of America
or in its many other temples…

The marks offered them
sure and peaceful sleep,
a way to acquire prestige
and a thousand unnecessary things.
To continue along this path,
they had to harden themselves
against the Lamb and against
His Kingdom of Peace and Justice…

The poem also and describes “the outcry of the thousands crucified in El Salvador and Guatemala”—a reference to what was an ongoing bloodbath in Central America at the time Esquivel wrote the poem. On January 31, 1980, a group of Mayan peasants occupied the Spanish embassy in Guatemala City, protesting the kidnapping and murder of peasants by the U.S.-backed government. Over the objections of the Spanish ambassador, Guatemalan police stormed the embassy, touching off a fire that left 36 people dead, including the father of Nobel laureate Rigoberta Menchú. The act was described as a “defining moment” in the Guatemalan Civil War, a conflict in which an estimated quarter of a million people were killed or disappeared. In neighboring El Salvador, on March 24, less than two months later, Archbishop Óscar Romero was assassinated while celebrating mass—one day after delivering a sermon calling for soldiers to obey God’s higher order and to cease human rights violations on behalf of the government. The assassination was believed to have been carried out by a death squad operating under the orders of Salvadoran Army officer Roberto D’Aubuisson. Romero was shot while holding up the Eucharist. His blood spilled over the altar.

Then some eight months later, on December 2, four American church women, nuns Dorothy Kazel, Maura Clark, and Ita Ford, along with lay missionary Jean Donovan, were raped and murdered by members of the Salvadoran National Guard. At the time of her death, Donovan, just 27 years old, had been doing missionary work in El Salvador for three years. Her duties had included burying the bodies left behind by the death squads. She was said to have been an especially devoted follower of Romero, and reportedly had stood next to his coffin. During the bishop’s funeral, attended by thousands, a bomb exploded, followed by shots fired. Some thirty to fifty people died in the resulting melee. Donovan survived that experience, but wrote to a friend in May of that year: “Everything is really hitting so close now.”

Then, as the timeline goes, comes November of 1981: Esquivel writes the poem, “Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.”

In the ancient world, “prophecy” and “poetry” were often regarded as one and the same. And indeed there may have been something akin to “prophetic insight” in Esquivel’s writing of the poem. Or at least in its line about the “crucified” of El Salvador. On December 11 (with the ink on the poem perhaps not even dry), the Atlacatl Battalion of the U.S.-trained-and-supplied Salvadoran Army carried out a massacre in El Mozote and surrounding villages. An account of the event is given in the book Rebel Radio: The Story of El Salvador’s Radio Venceremos, by Jose Ignacio Lopez Vigil. Just over a thousand people died. Women and girls were raped, houses burned to the ground, animals slaughtered. The attack seemed to have been part of a counterinsurgency strategy of “draining the sea to catch the fish.” The idea was that the people were “the sea,” while the guerillas were the “fish” that swam in the sea. Arriving after the soldiers had left, a detachment of armed guerillas, along with reporters from the rebel radio station, found that the attackers had been thorough; inside the village church were overturned pews, scattered saints, walls pockmarked with bullets, and “a mountain of rotting bodies.” The guerillas would come to refer to it as “the saddest Christmas.” Before leaving the village, they discovered some graffiti left behind by the murderers:

The Atlacatl Battalion was here

The Angels of Hell

Several years later, by which time El Mozote had become an abandoned graveyard, a contingent of guerillas made a return pass through the area by night, noticing a curious phenomenon: the entire ghost-village lit up by fireflies. Years later, one of them would remark upon it to Vigil:

It was a dark night and when we approached the abandoned village thousands of fireflies lit up at the same time. Thousands and thousands, the entire woods glowed. Then, as if by some mysterious order, they all went dark at the same moment. Then they all lit up again with that spectral light. Then they all went dark. I swear I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I don’t imagine anyone who was in the column that night has been able to forget the call of the fireflies.
But Esquivel wasn’t the only Central American dissident combining the poetic and the prophetic at this time. In 1977, Nicaraguan poet and priest Ernesto Cardenal penned the poem “Apocalypse,” in which seven angels come down to earth “bearing cups of smoke in their hands.” One angel pours forth a “neutronic cup,” while another’s is of “Cobalt,” and so on and so forth, and in the apocalypse which ensues, “Hiroshima’s fate was envied.” And hence, writes Cardenal, “BABYLON THE GREAT IS FALLEN”—a “great whore” who had come “clutching all manner of checks and bonds and shares and commercial documents.”

Thus, has the Book of Revelation been read, perceived, and interpreted by a wide range of Westerners, Westerners grounded, in most cases, in the Christian tradition. But perhaps not surprisingly, the Apocalypse has also generated commentary from non-Westerners. One is India’s Paramahansa Yogananda. Unlike many others to pen discourses on Revelation, this twentieth century Hindu yogi never questioned the authenticity of authorship by John the disciple of Jesus. In fact Yogananda, who, upon his death was given the title Premavatar, “incarnation of love,” held John to be the most advanced disciple of the “Christ-man” Jesus. In his book, God Talks with Arjuna, he writes:

The records left by Saint John, among the various books of the New Testament, evince the highest degree of divine realization, making known the deep, esoteric truths experienced by Jesus and transferred to John. Not only in his Gospel, but in his epistles and especially in the profound metaphysical experiences symbolically described in the Book of Revelation, John presents the truths taught by Jesus from the point of view of inward intuitive realization.
For Yogananda, John’s words contained a measure of “precision” not found in other books of the New Testament. Revelation’s various septenary groupings, for instance, he viewed as representing the seven cerebrospinal centers of divine consciousness in the body. Expounding on one passage in particular, Revelation 2:26-28, with its reference to the “morning star,” the Indian spiritual teacher said the words therein contained John’s description of the ajna chakra, the spiritual eye, located at the center of the forehead. “The ‘morning star’ or ‘star of the East,’” he said, “is the spiritual single eye in the Christ or Kutastha center of the forehead (east), a microcosm of the creative vibratory light and consciousness of God.” In the passage in question, the author of the Apocalypse has Jesus promising the light of this star to those who remain steadfast. He also inserts a quote from the second Psalm.

To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—he will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star.
For Yogananda, it was yet another example of Saint John’s precision. “Through the spiritual eye, the adept yogi attains mastery over the forces (‘nations’) in his physical, astral, and causal bodies, and gains entry into the realm of Spirit,” he said.

One text—many interpretations! While it may seem like we’ve covered a lot of ground here, this is in reality only a small, select sampling of the numerous exegetic interpretations of the Book of Revelation that have appeared over the years. And they are still coming out. At this moment Christian Zionists and media supporters of Israel are using Saint John’s Apocalypse to validate the Zionist state and justify further wars in the Middle East. This seems an especially favored tactic of Glenn Beck. On February 17, just as protests were underway in Egypt, the Fox News host aired a program in which he and a guest likened the 12th Imam of the Islamic faith to the Antichrist of the Bible (see here and here.) The program was provocative and inflammatory—equating one religion’s holy messiah to another’s archfiend and villain could hardly be otherwise—and included a discussion on the Book of Revelation as well as chalkboard comparisons. However, from an ecclesiastical standpoint there were a number of flaws. For one thing, both Beck and his guest failed to clarify that the word “Antichrist” appears nowhere in the Apocalypse. Omitted also was any mention of Revelation’s “synagogue of Satan” references, which presumably would not fit in well with the political point the show was hoping to make. But despite its theological flaws, the program served up some handy agitprop for American viewers—driving a wedge between Christians and Muslims while further serving the interests of Israel.

In closing, perhaps the most important thing of all to remember about the Apocalypse, and which the religious Right, in its overzealous support of for the Jewish state, habitually overlooks, is that it was written by a man who had been imprisoned by the Romans and who was urging his readers to resist oppression. It is this that lies at the book’s heart, far more so than the cataclysmic imagery that has become its more superficial trademark, and is doubtless why it has become so favored by those struggling for justice in Latin America and elsewhere. Another thing is important too. While he was a huge fan of the Hebrew prophets, especially Daniel, John was also most likely a “self-hating Jew.” I say that because what he has done is he has taken the theme of messianic war—a theme running through much of the Jewish apocalyptic literature of that day—and combined it with a theme of liberation from slavery, binding this finally to a picture of Christ as Witness, as the “Lamb of God.” The result is something of a hybrid form of literature. The long-awaited Jewish Messiah, a descendent of David to be anointed by God to lead his people into a war against the Gentiles, is reinterpreted—as Messiah Jesus, as a king victorious without military conquest, and whose victory is universal, attained not in the narrow interests of a single tribe or nation but on behalf of the international People of God.

Frescoes in the Monastery of Saint John—on Patmos today

And finally, we should explode a common myth or misnomer: that Revelation predicts the end of the world. It does not. What in fact is predicted is a new beginning, a new age, one wherein “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” To be sure, there will be “birth pangs,” as Jesus describes them in the synoptic gospels, but in the end, the visions of John bring us finally to a “new Jerusalem,” a Jerusalem where grows a “tree of life” whose leaves “are for the healing of the nations.” That being said, it’s also important for us to remember that we are not simply to sit back and wait complacently for these changes to occur. It is very much up to us to bring them about. God is inside us and he works through us, and just as Hosni Mubarak was not toppled from power until the people of Egypt rose up and demanded his removal, the New Age, the Awakening, will not come about until we make it happen. As John put it, “To he who overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” The key here is the word “overcome.” We must first take it upon ourselves to overcome the forces of repression—and we shall and we will—but it will take all of us working together.

Richard Edmondson is author of The Memoirs of Saint John. Visit his website at www.memoirsofsaintjohn.com

Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments

July 24, 2011

Let me get this straight. A radical insignificant Pentecostal preacher in the USA announces he is going to burn the holy Qur’an and the world’s Zionist media go crazy. However, a Jewish deputy mayor in Israel authorizes the burning of Christian literature and bibles and “initiated [the] bonfire” but the world’s Zionist media say nothing. What’s wrong with this picture?

Glenn Beck, useful idiot, praises pathological liar

July 24, 2011

The following was posted at Leftwing Christian and highlights what Christian Zionists believe. It also says something of Christian Zionists’ degraded theology when they can invite and applaud a war criminal to speak at their conference.

(Introductory remarks by Leftwing Christian)
Palestinian writer Khalid Amayreh underscores how sick and misguided Christian Zionists are in this piece on the annual Christians United for Israel conference. The conference was held this past week in Washington. Orthodox Jews detest Jesus, and the Talmud depicts him as boiling in excrement—all true, as Amayreh says. A number of Israeli rabbis consider Gentiles as subhuman, and the policies of the Zionist state are contrary to every teaching ever taught by Jesus—again, all true. The only thing I might have added, that Amayreh omits, is the burning of New Testamentsin Israel as an expression of contempt for the Christian faith.

Christian Zionists embrace the very people who call Jesus ‘Hitler of Bethlehem’

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem

As many as 5000 Christian Zionists gathered this week at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. for the annual conference of the organization CUFI, Christians United For Israel.

The annual event is considered a key occasion when Christian supporters of Israel reassert their nearly hysterical embrace of the Zionist apartheid regime, including the policies of ethnic cleansing of non-Jews (Muslims and Christians), lebensraum, and even its genocidal designs.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu addressed the evangelical conference, telling the huge audience that “when you support Israel, you don’t have to choose between your interests and your values, you get both..”

Netanyahu, like most other Israeli leaders, is a pathological liar who lies as often as he breathes oxygen. He knows deep in his heart that what Israel has been doing and the way it has been behaving ever since its birth 63 years ago represents the ultimate contradiction to true Christian values, the values that Jesus preached and because of which he incurred the wrath of the Jewish establishment of his time.

One of the most enthusiastic Zionist Christian supporters of Israel  is Glen Beck, a tomfool par excellence,  who would do anything in order to obtain a kosher certificate of good conduct  from the very same people who would view Beck himself a slave, and his mother, daughter and sister as Shiksas or whores.

The news commentator, who visited Israel a few days ago in order demonstrate his Zionist credentials, sounded very much as if he was a Kahana disciple.

Meir Kahana is the Judeo-Nazi rabbi and former Knesset member who urged Israel to carry out a genocidal ethnic cleansing of its non-Jewish population and subjects in order to create a goyem-free Talmudic theocracy.

“Jews have been chased out of every corner of this planet, enough is enough,” Beck was quoted as saying. He added that new states can be established, but not at the expense of other states, and that Israel is historically the land of the Jews.

Beck utterly ignored the all too clear historical fact that Palestine had been known as the Land of Canaan long before the appearance of Abraham, the common forefather of both Adnani or northern Arabs and early Israelites. Likewise, he also ignored the fact that Arabs and Muslims had lived in Palestine uninterruptedly since time immemorial, certainly longer, I would say much longer, than Jews ever did.

In an outburst of hysteria and childish emotionality, Beck tried to outdo himself by claiming himself a Jew.

“When we see Israelis not as part of us, we can move to the next level as human beings. Let us declare ‘I am a Jew,’ they can’t kill all of us.”

Well, I am afraid I have bad news for Beck and his ilk.  They are not viewed as bona fide human beings, but as donkeys, yes donkeys, by the very people they grovel in humility at their feet.

The former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, recently declared that the only reason Beck and all other non-Jews were to serve Jews.  The very same message had been brazenly told by none other than Menachem Shneerson, the celebrated Chabad lubavitch, without having the sheepish Americans raise their eyebrows.

Another rabbi by the name of Yitzhak Ginsburgh has been quoted as saying that it is moral for a Jew to murder non-Jews and steal his heart or liver if he needs one.

“As for the Goyem, Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

“If a Jew needs a liver, can you take a liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has infinite value, he explained. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”  (See the Jewish Week, New York, also Haaretz-1996).

Incidentally, this is the very same rabbi who recently published a book entitled the King’s Torah in which he argued that the Torah and Talmud allow the murder of innocent children of non-Jews during war time on the ground that saving Jewish soldiers’ lives overrides and takes priority over maintaining non-Jewish lives however innocent these may be.

Christian Zionists are really blind at heart. The fact they prevent themselves from seeing the truth suggests that we are talking about a bunch of psychotic people who are thoroughly intoxicated by their monomaniac fanaticism and blinded by their shocking ignorance.

They would just go to any extent to prove their loyalty and allegiance to the very people who, whenever uttering the name Jesus, recites the following blasphemous refrain: May his name be damned, may his memory be erased.

When Beck was in Israel, he was confronted with one Likud member, who told the Christian Zionist imbecile straight in the eye, “your God is not my God, and your country is not my country.”

I know it is utterly useless to  appeal to reason, even to religious or simple human decency, when arguing with Christian Zionist fanatics, as one would get the impression that these  people must have substituted the universal  message of love which Jesus preached with the message of hate, death and racism, as practiced by Jewish Nazism.

How can one  possibly do so when these pseudo Christian zealots firmly believe that every Jewish terrorist, who may have just set a church or mosque in the West Bank on fire or spat on a Christian clergyman walking  in the streets of occupied Jerusalem, represent the Almighty?

I challenge these phony evangelicals to approach their Zionist masters and lovers and ask them to stop calling Jesus, the son of Satan, and Hitler of Bethlehem. I urge them to so gently ask the Merkaz Harav Talmudic College to stop teaching Chesronot Shas which tells us in Gittin 57 that Jesus is boiling in hell in hot excrement and semen, which is his curse for questioning the Jewish authority.

Indeed, instead of inciting hatred toward the very people who, whenever uttering Jesus’ name, they so solemnly and respectfully say “may peace be upon him,” these brainwashed Zionist Christian fanatics should ask their Jewish bedfellows to stop referring to Jesus as the son of a prostitute and a Roman soldier, who learned witchcraft in  Egypt and who beguiled Jews to worship him as an idol.   (See similar beliefs in Shabbath104b and in Sanhedrin106a).

True Christians don’t side with oppressors against the oppressed. True Christians don’t support land theft, ethnic cleansing and terrorism, regardless of the perpetrators and victims. True Christians pride themselves on being loving, tolerant and peace makers.

But Christian Zionists are not true Christians even if they claim to be. This is why they embrace a manifestly evil state that murders, steals and lies, a state that is more in sync with Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin and their ideals than it is with Jesus Christ and his universal message of love and compassion.

“Evangelical Christian” Possibly An Israeli Agent, Exposed On CNN

July 22, 2011
Walid Shoebat: From Evangelical Church Propagandist for Christian Zionism To Homeland Security Anti-Terrorist Trainer
Charles E. Carlson 

Anderson Cooper on CNN News’ show, Anderson Cooper 360o, exposed a former Palestinian school boy named Walid Shoebat, who has become a manufactured “terror expert” promoting anti-Islamist hysteria among federal law enforcement officers and in Evangelical, Christian Zionists churches.   The CNN piece1 focused on unraveling Shoebat’s claimed history as a “terrorist” into a pile of yarn, showing it consisted of not even half truths.  It also revealed how much money Shoebat is being paid by US taxpayers to train federal police and American Christian Zionists.

CNN stopped short of saying what will be tough to prove… that Shoebat is a de-facto Israeli agent operating in the USA.  Furthermore, it is likely he was recruited here, because it appears that Israel never heard of him when he lived with his family in Beit Lahor, near Bethlehem, where he claims to have been a “terrorist” trying to kill Jews.

Shoebat’s written response, I Confess…”, to Anderson Cooper’s telling exposé, was immediately spread far and wide by World Net Daily and other news sources in sympathy with Israel and Christian Zionists.2

Why is Shoebat so well paid?  Here is an example of what he says to earn his money.  CNN News researcher Drew Griffin recorded Shoebat’s lecture to law enforcement and first respondent personnel in South Dakota.  Griffin’s remarks included, Shoebat’s message to the law enforcement agencies, churches and universities that pay him to speak is to trust no Muslims, especially the ones that organize.  ‘All Islamic organizations in America should be the No. 1 enemy. All of them,’ he said at the South Dakota conference.”

Shoebat has a handler, but we cannot see him.  His written rebuttal to CNN is revealing in that it is far more professional than he is capable of himself.   He was stumbling, shamefaced and sometimes belligerent in his CNN interview with Drew Griffin; he could not even recall the names of his Board of Directors, and he had no explanation for why his alleged crimes and arrest time in Israel were unknown there.

Shoebat’s written rebuttal is brilliant in its ability to avoid questions, while scoffing at the CNN documentary, and could only have been done by a PR pro who realized that a lie still has value so long as some will believe it.  Shoebat cries, “poor me”, a persecuted philanthropist giving money to save Christians, who he says are being murdered by Muslims.  He makes no mention of his largess from the Department of Homeland Securities.  Too bad we can not uncover his agent and his writer.  I would guess from their style that both are Israelis.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Shoebat is a 100% fraud.  He revealed that Shoebat is not a former Palestinian terrorist turned Christian, as he is paid to say, nor did he at age 15 bomb a bank in Bethlehem, nor did he capture and attempt to “lynch” Israeli solders, which he claims as the basis for his “expertise” in terrorism.  Neither is there any record of his ever having been arrested and imprisoned by the Israelis.

Shoebat probably did not belong to the PLO or any other organization, and it is doubtful that he was ever a serious Muslim, having been raised in a nominally Islamic business family under the tutorage of an American, non-Muslim mother, who left his businessman father and took young Walid with her back to the United States when he was no more than 16 years old.  CNN went all the way to Israel to check out the story through its news bureau sources in Tel Aviv.  There is no Walid Shoebat story in Bethlehem, only denials by relatives!

The question that’s raised is: “Why does the US Department of Homeland Security pay Walid $5000 a speech to train law enforcement officers on the danger of Islam?”  Very likely, the answer is that he is one of many propagandists trained and supported by one or another Israeli agency to vilify Islam as a strategy to help keep the United States’ war-based economy well oiled.

CNN, being a news competitor, did not mention that Shoebat had been exposed by The Jerusalem Post3, American journalist Chris Hedges and by this author4and others as much as over three years ago.  Homeland Security began using Walid as a propaganda shill against Islam after he had been thoroughly exposed as an Israeli plant.  Homeland Security had to know what Walid was before they hired him; a Google search would have uncovered documented stories about Walid Shoebat.  Someone in the Department of Homeland Security deliberately used Shoebat to lie to its own employees.  As a matter of public policy, Americans have been deliberately conditioned to hate and distrust Muslims since at least Christmas 1990, the start of the Gulf War I, when this writer first noticed the new policy of the War on Islam.< sup>5

I can recall when American boys rigged up imaginary fighter planes in trees and old sheds to kill imaginary “slanty-eyed Japs” and bloodthirsty “Jerries.”  We and our parents were propagandized to hate the Germans and Japanese, and so almost everyone looked the other way when the latter were interned in prison camps in front of our eyes.  Later a generation and a half of American “Cold War” soldiers gave up jobs and businesses and trooped in and out of uniform to fight “Godless Communism,” an ideology whose biggest foe was its own suppressed people.

Today the infamous neo-conservative, Project for The New American Century (2000+), which has clear ties to Israel and Zionism, has officially named Islam as our enemy.  Our own government, of which Homeland Security is a cabinet level branch, uses propagandists to vilify Muslims for the purpose of inciting more wars to help bail out our country.  Walid Shoebat is a small but clearly exposed cog in this official machinery.

The “War on Islam” is pretty much out in the open.  The willing parties to  it include the Israeli government, operating on Shoebat’s behalf, creating his image, and even manufacturing his history out of straw. Lets demand an end to the influence of Zionism over Homeland Security and everywhere else in our  government.

1 “’Ex-Terrorist’ rakes in homeland security bucks” – CNN’s Cooper Anderson 360o – July 14, 2001

2 I Confess…”, by Walid Shoebat posted on wnd.com, July 18, 2001

3 The Palestinian ‘Terrorist’ turned Zionist” – The Jerusalem Post – March 30, 2008

4 Who Is Walid Shoebat?”  & “The Zionist, Messianic Network Inside Evangelical Churches:  Walid Shoebat & His Clones“, Charles E. Carlson

5Attacking Islam”, Charles E. Carlson:

We Hold These Truths

Project Strait Gate

PO Box 35
Wheat Ridge CO 80234
303 238 1168

Not All “Evangelicals” Are Christian Zionists, says Pew Forum

July 12, 2011

Pew Poll Shows Evangelical Christian Zionist’s Rapture Quest Failing

Charles E. Carlson Jul 11, 2011

A recent Global Survey of Evangelical Protestant Leaders, taken by the Pew Forum for Religious and Public Life, reveals cracks in the structure of Evangelicalism, best described as Judeo-Christianity, welcome news for all those who labor for world peace and financial stability. (1)The report states that “U.S. evangelical leaders are especially downbeat about the prospects for evangelical Christianity in their society; 82% say evangelicals are losing influence in the United States today, while only 17% think evangelicals are gaining influence.”  In the global north 66% say evangelical Christianity is having decreased influence on life, and 31% think it is increasing. More than half of U.S. leaders (53%) see the current state of evangelical Christianity in America as worse than it was five years ago.  And as U.S. leaders look a few years ahead, about half (48%) expect the state of Evangelical Christianity to worsen.The survey reveals that not all “evangelicals” are Christian Zionists and The Pew Forum has learned how to tell the difference. The Evangelical boat is leaking much worse in America and Europe than in the southern hemisphere, where missionaries are far more optimistic about the future of Evangelicalism in their countries.  Perhaps this is because mission workers in the field are more attuned to work and service and less preoccupied with social pursuits and monetary success.

As I interpret this poll, significant weakening of Evangelicalism can be traced to a preoccupation with Israel that is anything but scriptural.  The poll asked two related and telling questions:  “Does God’s covenant with the Jewish people continue today?”  And, “Is the state of Israel the fulfillment of Biblical Prophesy?”  The latter is a question we believe should be asked of every “Christian,” including our own pastors, parents, and children.

The poll results state that 73% of those polled think “God’s covenant with the Jewish people” continues today, and only 22% say it does not.  It should be noted here that this is a Judeo-Christian give-away, since it is based on a false premise. The Pew Forum and all Evangelicals need to understand that there never was an Old Testament covenant with “the Jewish people.”  Most Evangelicals, radical or moderate, fail to properly distinguish the ancient tribe of Israelites from the Jews of today, and in particular, the Jewish inhabitants of the modern secular Jewish state of Israel.  This error is the result of scriptural distortion that is encouraged by the State of Israel and its lobbies in the USA, and by the Israel-friendly press.

The Pew Poll, to its credit, did ask the decisive litmus test question, “Is the state of Israel the fulfillment of Biblical Prophesy?”  Though the high number of “yes” replies was expected, the fact that 42% said “no” was a surprise and strongly suggests that at least 42% of Evangelicals polled are not Christian Zionists as defined by We Hold These Truths.  This is a hopeful sign that Evangelicals are waking up, especially those outside of the U.S.!  Perhaps it reflects the growing revulsion for the brutal acts carried out by Israel against its neighbors.

Those who say “yes” to either of the above two questions must throw out many of Jesus’ own words.  Jesus and His Apostles state again and again that God’s covenant with the Israelites (mistranslated as “Jews” beginning in the Middle Ages) was fulfilled in the coming of the Christ.

When asked to declare sympathy toward either Israelis or Palestinians, most evangelicals stated they were neutral, but among the minority who took sides, about three out of four sympathized with Israel,  reflecting the feelings of the more radical Christian Zionists.  Nevertheless it’s good news that they are no longer in the majority.

The most obvious reason why radical Evangelicalism must fail is that too many spokesmen deny the New Testament in their misguided effort to honor Israel.  The notion that the Israelis are persecuted by the Philistines is unique to Judeo-Christians.  Too many Evangelicals have been sold the idea that war is necessary and is worth its cost in human life.

(1) Global Survey of Evangelical Protestant Leaders, Cape Town, South Africa.

We Hold These Truths
Project Strait Gate
PO Box 35
Wheat Ridge CO 80234
303 238 1168

To Gaza With Love, Flotilla II Threatens Israel’s Dream

July 8, 2011


By Rev. Ted Pike
5 July 11

As the next “Free Gaza” flotilla attempts to sail for Gaza, a recent Ha’aretz article describes Israel’s high-alert response:

“The term ‘flotilla’ is understood in Israel as a declaration of war. This is the case with respect to the latest Gaza-bound flotilla just as it was with the one that set off from Turkey in May 2010…At best, the flotilla’s contribution to lifting the blockade is symbolic, in that it reminds the world that Israel’s closure policy is still partially in effect and that the population of Gaza remains under occupation. But the Israeli government imputes far greater significance to symbols than it does to wise policy. The government seems to be as frightened of the Gaza flotilla as one would think it would be of an attack by an armed naval fleet.

It appears that even though a year has passed since the first flotilla fiasco, Israel is showing that it has learned just one lesson: the military lesson. As though better military preparation or training for specific scenarios are what will save Israel’s honor. The country is not willing to give up a display of power, thereby no doubt contributing to inflating the flotilla’s importance.” (Let the Flotilla Go, Haaretz, 6June11)

Israel claims such offensive potential is necessary because the ships may carry weapons for Hamas, and any end to the embargo of Gaza would certainly lead to such military aid. There is a much deeper and more sinister reason Israel wants to isolate Gaza in poverty. (A UN study shows Gaza’s unemployment rate is among the worst in the world, with 45.2% of Gazans of working age unemployed.) With at least $8 billion in international aid waiting for Israel’s embargo to lift, the Jewish state absolutely does not want a prosperous, energetic and vengeful Palestinian territory to emerge. With the West Bank, Gaza could quickly materialize as a de facto state within a state, regardless of its official status.

Consolidation of Palestinian power on both sides of Israel could powerfully threaten the Jewish state’s dream of inhabiting the entirety of the “Promised Land.” Yet the dream of Jewish safety in the Middle East, an image central to Zionism for the last century, has proven an illusion. Last year Prime Minister Netanyahu proclaimed Israel the most dangerous place a Jew can live.

What dream then remains unchanged for Israel?

It is the dream that a Jewish state can do what God has forbidden for millennia: occupy Palestine in a state of rebellion and apostasy to His law (SeeList of Conditional Salvation/Occupation Verses). Modern Israel was founded on rejection of weighty Scriptural and historical testimony that wicked Jews can’t found a nation in the Holy Land. The pioneers of the rogue state of Israel, Jewish Bolsheviks, secularists and Christ-hating Talmudist are excluded from the covenant blessing given to righteous Abraham (See, The True Meaning of God’s Covenant with Abraham). Israel’s dream, like the dream of every sinner, is that an exception can be made: The sinner will not surely die. God’s judgment can be forever delayed. Israel can add sin to sin and injustice to injustice yet never face national judgment and exile.

Israel Multiplies Sin

God commanded the Hebrews to not oppress “the stranger in the land” (Ex. 23:9). A recent article by IMEMC News describes how Israel continues to expel Palestinians from their homes—only now, new laws force evicted Palestinians to pay demolition costs!

A committee of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) passed a first draft of a law that will require that Palestinians whose homes are destroyed by Israeli forces pay the Israeli government for the demolition costs… Since 1967, Israeli forces have demolished 24,813 Palestinian homes. Ninety percent of these homes were destroyed for “administrative” reasons—because they either lacked a permit or were in an area designated for expansion by the Israeli military. No permits have been issued by Israeli authorities for Palestinian construction in the Occupied Territories since 1967. The remaining 10% of the demolitions have been “punitive” demolitions of the homes of Palestinians accused of attacking Israel or of their families’ homes.

In the first 5 months of 2011, Israeli forces demolished more Palestinian homes than in the entire year of 2010, rendering homeless 706 Palestinians, including 341 minors. This is according to the most recent numbers released by Israeli Civil Administration. If the law passes the full Knesset, any Palestinian whose home is destroyed by the Israeli military will have to pay thousands of dollars to cover the cost of the demolition. Already, many Palestinian homeowners, mainly in Jerusalem have been forced to pay for the forced demolition of their homes.

Israelis and Zionists believe that the Jewish people are above God’s law. Yet Scripture prophesies that this defiant dream will turn someday into a nightmare: the worst Jewish suffering in the history of the world.

Despite world protest that we see today, the centuries of investment by Jewish activists in control of government, finance and media will endure, especially in the west. Israel will someday dominate a global government and summon the arrival of her messiah. For a short time, says the Bible, this united Jewish government will run the financial and political systems of the world (See, ‘Babylon the Great’ is Israel). She will seem to have fulfilled her dream of prospering in sin and say, “I sit a queen and shall not see sorrow.” (Rev. 18:7)

Yet Scripture proclaims that in “one hour,” her power will collapse. The anti-Christ she has ridden will throw her down and gore her with the “horns” of world armies. The proud queen will be desolated and her children exiled once again, fulfilling God’s timeless law. Jews will be hounded into near extinction among the nations.

As one dream ends, another will be realized. The Arab world will tread Jerusalem underfoot (Luke 21:24). As anti-Christ finally fulfills the Arab dream and allows them to possess the Holy Land, they will “eat, drink and give in marriage” (Luke 17:27), rejoicing that the hated Jews are now vanquished. Israel had her time to rule the nations. This will be “the time of the Gentiles” as a bitterly vengeful world tries to solve the “Jewish problem” by killing every last Jew in the ultimate holocaust. Yet Christ at His second coming intervenes, raining fire and brimstone on the massive armed camp of defiant Gentiles and Arabs who battle Him in the valley of Armageddon. Again, since God’s Holy Land can’t endure wicked inhabitants, God will destroy and the land will “vomit out” the Arab oppressors, just as happened to the ancient Canaanites.

As Zionist and Arab dreams are devastated, another final dream, a divine one, will spring to vivid life. A beleaguered humbled minority of Jewish survivors, including their Khazar proselytes (Ezekiel 47:22) will be transformed through repentance at Christ’s appearing. Their obedience will restore the remnant’s right to national occupation of Palestine. With pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon them and Satan and his demonic minions cast into the bottomless pit, such national obedience becomes possible. The remnant will be as infused with desire to glorify their Messiah as were their forefathers inflamed to denigrate Him. Jesus will be their passion and praise for 1,000 years.

The Zionist and Arab dreams are destined to turn into nightmares. Yet this final, divine dream has been held by righteous men and prophets since the beginning of God’s saga with Israel. It is inspired by Christ and will be gloriously fulfilled. Under the benevolent rule of Christ, a battered, blood-soaked planet will not return to the habitual cycles of hate and war. Instead, the “knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as waters cover the sea!” (Is. 11:9) Jesus Christ literally proves to be the salvation of the world. He brings with Him not only joy in human hearts but peace to the whole earth—a peace beyond man’s wildest dreams.