Jews Escalate Anti-Christian Persecution

January 1, 2013

Jews Escalate Anti-Christian Persecution

Desecrate Holy Site; Israeli Government, Rabbis Complicit
Vandalized Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, Oct. 1, 2012The entry door to the Church of the Dormition on Mount Zion, near the site of the Last Supper and just outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City, bearing the graffiti “Jesus, son of a bitch, price tag” (Oct. 1, 2012). The latter is a term used by radical settlers lashing out against opponents.

By Peter Strahl

The racist, apartheid state of Israel has always persecuted Christians in the Holy Land. The wanton destruction of churches, lives and property has been nearly continuous and can only be called genocidal, as we have documented previously both in American Free Press and The Barnes Review. But nearly daily reports from occupied Palestine demonstrate that the savagery has increased dramatically in the last few years, especially since Benjamin Netanyahu has been prime minister. Now, however, the oppression has taken a particularly sinister direction.

Vandalized Baptist Church in Jerusalem, Feb. 2012Graffiti on a Baptist Church in Jerusalem, Feb. 20, 2012. The Hebrew slogans read: “We will crucify you” and “Death to Christianity” (AFP, Menahem Kahana)

An increasing number of Israeli Jews now dare to attack the holiest shrines in Christianity, in sacrilegious and blasphemous moves offending the deepest convictions and sensibilities of Christians not only in Palestine, but throughout the world.

Elliott Horowitz: 'Reckless Rites'Read how Jews have been brutalizing Christians for hundreds of years.

Recently, a group of Jewish religious zealots went so far as to profane the place where Jesus Christ celebrated the Last Supper before His crucifixion, where He instituted both the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. Apart from Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity and Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, there is no holier place for Christians. So the outrage can be imagined, which was occasioned when the Zionists smeared with obscenities the door of the Franciscan friary which guards the room of the Last Supper. Or there would have been outrage, had the Zionist-controlled media reported the event. Thus is the Vatican rewarded for its false irenicism toward such people. And thus do such people engender the anti-Semitism they deplore.

Melanie A. May: 'Jerusalem Testament'Learn how Christian Palestinians have been brutalized by Jews during the past 25 years.

One Jewish Israeli, Meir Margalit, a member of the Jerusalem city council, has been in the forefront of opposition to the destruction of Palestinian homes. By his own words, he was left speechless by the gravity of his countrymen’s latest actions. In a recent article on the German Catholic web-site, “”, he makes clear that this is not an isolated incident by a fringe group, but that such “extremists” now make up the majority of Israelis.

Margalit tells how his Franciscan friends are regularly derided and abused in public, even having stones and eggs thrown at them and—fulfilling the dictum of the Talmud—being spat upon by “religious” Jews. Margalit lays the blame for the increase of anti-Christian barbarity squarely at the feet of the Israeli government and the rabbis, who, he says, have the power to stop the harm but refuse to do so. He might have added that it is often the Israeli Defense Forces which are responsible for the most destructive and deadly terror against Christians and Palestinians.

As a consequence, Margalit, who is himself being persecuted in Israeli courts for his defense of Palestinians, foresees an increase in retaliatory behavior against Jews in other countries due to Israeli belligerence. He states that, according to Hebrew tradition, the Jewish temple was destroyed, in part, due to Jewish lack of respect for one’s neighbor. He predicts the collapse of the state of Israel, “not on account of external enemies, but because of the [Israeli] lack of human moral and ethical values.”

Peter Strahl is the pseudonym of a freelance German language translator for AFP and The Barnes Review. He is also the author of a report on Bethlehem and Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, which appeared in the Sept./Oct. 2012 issue of The Barnes Review.

Obama Will Force Christians To Act Against Their Faith

January 1, 2013

Obama “Can And Will Force Christians To Act Against Their Faith”: Obama Administration Drops A Bombshell!

Saturday, December 29, 2012 20:52

(Before It’s News)

The Obama administration has dropped a bombshell in the recent Hobby Lobby challenge to Obamacare. According to CNS News, the Obama administration claims that the 1st Amendment still allows them to force Christians to violate their religious beliefs, amazingly, even on the basis where the life and deaths of innocent human beings is at stake. Americans opposed to Obamacare and fond of the 1st Amendment should stand behind Hobby Lobby on this one. A couple of informative videos about Hobby Lobby’s fight against tyranny and Obamacare are down at the bottom of the story. From the CNS story linked above.:

In a legal argument formally presented in federal court in the case of Hobby Lobby v. Kathleen Sebelius, the Obama administration is claiming that the First Amendment—which expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the “free exercise” of religion—nonetheless allows it to force Christians to directly violate their religious beliefs even on a matter that involves the life and death of innocent human beings.

Because federal judges—including Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor—have refused to grant an injunction protecting the owners of Hobby Lobby from being forced to act against their Christian faith, those owners will be subject to federal fines of up to $1.3 million per day starting Tuesday for refusing to include abortion-inducing drugs in their employee health plan.

The Obama administration is making a two-fold argument for why it can force Christians to act against their faith in complying with the regulation it has issued under the Obamacare law that requires virtually all health care plans to cover, without co-pay, sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortion-inducing drugs.

The last we knew, the 1st Amendment was still in effect in America, has that been taken away too, along with the governments attempt to take away our 2nd Amendment? Is this what happens once they take away Americans right to protect ourselves via our 2nd Amendment? Armed IRS workers to enforce Obamacare? The last time we checked, the 1st was still in effect; from the ADL itself.:

The right to freedom of religion is so central to American democracy that it was enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution along with other fundamental rights such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

– The First Amendment

In order to guarantee an atmosphere of absolute religious liberty, this country’s founders also mandated the strict separation of church and state. Largely because of this prohibition against government regulation or endorsement of religion, diverse faiths have flourished and thrived in America since the founding of the republic. Indeed, James Madison, the father of the United States Constitution, once observed that “the [religious] devotion of the people has been manifestly increased by the total separation of the church from the state.”

Americans are still among the most religious people in the world. Yet the government plays almost no role in promoting, endorsing or funding religious institutions or religious beliefs. Free from government control — and without government assistance — religious values, literature, traditions and holidays permeate the lives of our citizens and, in their diverse ways, form an integral part of our national culture. By maintaining the wall separating church and state, we can guarantee the continued vitality of religion in American life.

      – The First Amendment


This a video created using actual liberal comments on the Huffington Post message board about Hobby Lobby refusing to cover the morning after pill.

Want to show your support for Hobby Lobby? They’ve just released som coupons for January through March of 2013.


Who Will Protect Christians In Syria?

January 15, 2012

The USA “land of the free” is not a Christian nation. So don’t expect it to protect Christians in Syria when the global power elite decide to wage war against Syria. Who will protect the Christians to prevent “rivers of blood”? See for yourself.

Do Muslims defend Christians?

January 14, 2011

Muslims defend Christians. You have to be kidding. You don’t believe it? Aren’t Muslims suppose to kill “infidels”? In turn, doesn’t the Christian bible say it’s good to kill everyone (“not sparing anyone that breathes” Joshua 11:14)? Really, now, what should a Christian do?

When was the last time you heard that Muslims defend Christians? I bet you didn’t hear it on CNN or FOX News. The Zionist-controlled world media will not report it, but they’ll tell you all about non-existent al-Qaeda.

Check this report “Thousands Of Egyptians Muslims Show Up As ‘Human Shields’ To Defend Coptic Christians From Terrorism“. Would extremist Christian Zionists like Rev. John Hagee arrange a human shield to protect Muslims from terrorists? No, but he would likely sponsor the IDF in doing some dirty work.

Vatican sex scandal likened to persecution of the Jews

April 2, 2010

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, Preacher to the Papal Household

I’m afraid many visitors to my site don’t have the time to view the links. So, on this Good Friday I’d like to post a short essay by Catholic scholar Michael Hoffman.  His timely analysis of the current child molestation scandal in the Catholic church won’t be found in the main stream or most religious media, but it should be.  Because much of the Catholic church has been infiltrated by Masonic Zionism (even church interiors), Hoffman declares that Pope Benedict is not a Catholic.

Vatican compares molestation scandal to “persecution of the Jews”

This would be hilarious if it were not so depraved and disgusting. The crypto-rabbi wing of Judeo-Churchianity (Rev. Fr. Cantalamessa, Pope Benedict) trying to curry favor, on Good Friday, with the rabbis of the Judeo wing, compare the uproar over the culture of child-molestation facilitation in the Catholic hierarchy (Mahony, Driscoll, Skylstad still in power; Bernard Law, fugitive from justice, made Arch Priest of a Roman basilica) with the “persecution of the Jews.”

Here we have prima facie evidence that Cantalamessa and his enabler, Pope Benedict, are not Catholic. “Persecution of the Jews” is the historic cry of the Freemasons and rabbis against the saints and theologians of the early and medieval Church.

To claim that worldwide anger over child molestation facilitation by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is comparable to unjust “persecution of the Jews” is self-indicting. To make this claim on Good Friday is blasphemy. It signifies that the current usurpers who occupy the Church are as phony as the paranoid and megalomaniac ADL that sees “persecution of the Jews” in every stubbed Zionist toe.

Moreover, what is the definition of “persecution of the Jews”? Is it “persecution” when freedom of speech is in place to permit educating the public concerning the murderous racism in the Talmud that inspires Israeli mass murder in Palestine? Is it “persecution” when the stories of execution gas chambers in Auschwitz are questioned by scientists and publishers? Is it “persecution” when Israeli generals are compared to Nazis when they butcher the people of Gaza?

As for “collective” punishment, what of the collective punishment of German civilians during and after World War II? What of the ongoing collective punishment of the populations of Lebanon and Palestine by the “state of Israel,” egged on by homicidal maniacs known as Orthodox “settler” rabbis?

If the Vatican was truly Catholic and Christ-like it would announce to the world that every child-molestation facilitator, beginning with Cardinal Roger Mahony in Los Angeles, has been removed from office and shipped to a Trappist monastery while they await state prosecution — with the Vatican fully cooperating with the prosecutors. Bernard Law would be extradited from Vatican City back to Boston to face justice. Instead, the Vatican continues to keep these and other evil bishops (Skylstad, Driscoll, ad nauseum) in power while the Vatican sobs about “exaggerated” charges of a culture of child molestation facilitation existing within the Church.

The Vatican is the enemy of the Catholicism of the early and medieval Church, and thus today it appears without shame, on Good Friday, like Martin Gray, author of For Those I Loved, a book filled with his sorrowful ordeal as a persecuted Judaic “Holocaust Survivor” who was supposedly forced to help clear bodies out of the Treblinka “gas chamber.” In truth, Gray and his book were both fakes. In fact, he was a decorated officer in the Soviet NKVD responsible for the murder of Christians and gentiles, posing as a poor persecuted Chosen One. This is the pattern of despicable fraud and shetl chicanery which the pope and his papal household preacher, sunk in the ethos of Holocaustianity, mount as an alibi and imitate as a form of self-defense.

Alas, the rabbinic racketeers will never surrender their monopoly on persecution to the hated papacy, even when the “Holy See” is occupied by a co-conspirator who is so inept he imagines he can grab a share of the persecution paranoia and co-opt Judaism’s most cherished, trademarked brand. Consequently this disgraceful Vatican pandering to the ideological heirs of those who demanded the death of Jesus, is now backfiring.

In a palimpsest of falsification, the Zionist media keeps the pressure on Benedict by portraying this agent of the Synagogue as quasi antisemitic. This ruse serves a two-fold function: 1. it keeps Benedict pandering ever more to the rabbis, offering ever more craven concessions and servile compromise; and 2. it gives the 39-watt filaments of the Remnant newspaper types in traditional Catholicism the opportunity to claim that poor, pitiful Pope Benedict is a Catholic bastion against the synagogue! (Somewhere the masters of the Zohar are grinning).

For those who own a copy of my book Judaism Discovered, you will find a dossier on the lies and deceitful word games played by the crypto-rabbi “preacher of the papal household,” Raniero Cantalamessa. Cf. pp. 389-390 and 414-418.

In the pages mentioned above, Mr. Hoffman points out two boldface lies made by Fr. Cantalamessa who tries to defend the Talmud’s vulgar references to Jesus:

(1) that the Sadducees were more guilty of deicide than the Pharisees, and (2) that Pilate was ‘just as responsible as the Jewish leaders.’

Europe’s famous political prisoner survives Zionist prison term

March 3, 2010

Dr. Herbert Schaller & Ernst Zundel (R)

Ernst Zundel, Europe’s premiere prisoner of conscience has survived Zionist prisons in the “democracies” of Canada and Germany.

Ernst was released on St. David’s Day, named after a monk who, before his death in 589 AD, said: “Be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed.”

Ernst has kept his faith and, from his countenance in the photo, is joyful. “Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:23)

Below is a thoughtful tribute by Michael Hoffman.

A critic has made a negative remark about the photograph of Auschwitz gas chamber skeptic Ernst Zundel (above, on the right), and his attorney, Dr. Herbert Schaller, taken on March 1, moments after Zundel emerged from Mannheim prison for the first time in five years.

We believe it is a beautiful photo, a truly heart warming picture. It is evidence, by way of a photograph, that Ernst will not bow to adversity, he will not whine, he will not show pain, but rather, in his smiling countenance one sees the joy of life. This is a testimony to his spirit, after seven years’ incarceration, including two in solitary confinement in Canada. Let us also not forget that as a child he survived the Allied firebombing holocaust against his hometown of Pforzheim; consequently, on top of it all, he is a holocaust survivor. I have seen a similar serenity and nobility in Japanese survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki holocausts.

This is a stunning contrast to the behavior and attitudes of many (though not all) of those poster soul-survivors of the Auschwitz slave labor camp, who, more than sixty years later, still pose with long faces, perpetually moaning, groaning, wailing, hectoring, spewing hatred and pointing fingers of accusation, while churning out a deluge of newspaper and magazine articles, books, novels, television shows and and films constituting a new level of institutionalized vengeance, which has been weaved into the very fabric of the post-Christian West.

I say post-Christian, but we are even heedless of William Shakespeare. Surely Portia’s famous speech to Shylock in “The Merchant of Venice” (Act 4, scene 1), is now discredited by the mandarins of mediocrity. Yet, in Portia’s words we have our culture’s most eloquent reply to the perpetual Purim cry for vengeance under the rubric of justice. Here Shakespeare, as usual, put his finger on the heart of the matter: the vast chasm separating Judaism from the ante-Auschwitz West is their enshrinement of revenge and our obligation to mercy.

Zundel’s merciless persecutors have learned nothing from history. In their hubris, in their certainty that they will prevail and control and edit the future, they believe they can demonize, imprison and torment prisoners of conscience with impunity. The Romans imagined this about the early Christians, the French Catholics about the Huguenot, the German Lutherans about the Anabaptists, the New England Puritans about the Quakers, the Anglicans about their recusant Catholic countrymen, and the Soviets about the Eastern Orthodox. Yet, in each case history teaches that in time, the severely oppressed dissidents emerged stronger than ever.

This too is the destiny of World War II revisionists, though today, in the midst of intense persecution and witch-hunting, it is a future difficult for many to envision. In this sense, Ernst Zundel, even at age 70, is not a man of the past, but of the future.

Also, anachore posted a YouTube review by lawyer Douglas Christie, reflecting on the injustice of secret trials in Canada.


Why do Christian Zionists seem to prefer lies?

January 16, 2010

Christians in Israel suffer because Christian Zionists in the US and Canada prefer to bless the racist state of Israel in all of its terrorist activities.

Just when you thought Christians ought to help each other, you get owner/editor Paul Walter of News With Views refusing to publicize the persecution of Israeli Christians! This spiritual schizophrenic and “Christian/conservative” outfit is afraid to offend the butchers in Israel.

Read Rev. Ted Pike’s account here. And then give your donation to Rev. Pike.