Syria: Russian worshippers visit ancient Orthodox monastery in Maaloula

April 19, 2019


As Obama “mourns” the loss of one iconic Cathedral, remember that this is the same man who armed Al-Qaeda terrorists that attacked, looted and destroyed the churches and monasteries of ’s Maaloula, one of the oldest Christian towns in the world.


An American Housewife In Syria

April 7, 2018

This 85 minute video presentation sets the record straight and corrects the fake news of CNN.

Christianity in Syria vs Christianity in “Rebel” Held Areas of Syria

April 3, 2018

Image may contain: ‎‎2 people, ‎including ‎خالد علي علي الد يب‎‎‎, people smiling, suit‎

By: Janice Kortkamp

Date: March 25, 2018

On this Palm Sunday for western churches, allow me to compare and contrast Christianity in Syria vs Christianity in US-backed “rebel” held areas of Syria.

Some of these pics are from my own travels around Syria the past two years.

READ more about how Syria protects Christians. Did you know the head of Parliament is a Christian? The photos are awesome, too!

Russia Beats US In The Middle East

September 22, 2017

Would Our Prime Minister Attend A Muslim Religious Service?

December 20, 2015

Footage of President Al-Assad and his wife attending the Lady of Damascus church choir in their Christmas performance.

Syrian Christians turning to Russia for protection

January 17, 2014
16 October 2013, 22:04 15

Syrian Christians turning to Russia for protection

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About 50,000 Syrian Christians want to apply for Russian citizenship. In a letter to the Russian Foreign Ministry, they said that they were not planning to flee Syria, but if threatened with physical elimination, they would pin their hopes on Russia as the guarantor of their survival. Analysts think that despite the difficulties their request may involve, it won’t go unheeded.

The letter reached Moscow through diplomatic channels. It says that the West-backed terrorists are prepared to go to any lengths to wipe Christians out of Syria. The authors of the letter have no intention of fleeing the “land on where Jesus walked” and promise to defend their “homeland, dignity and faith”. They see Russia as the guarantor of “peace and stability”. They are not asking for money or humanitarian aid, but just hope to obtain Russian citizenship. “We will be under the protection of Russia if we face the threat of being physically eliminated by terrorists,” the letter says.

Considering what’s going on in Syria, their wish to have Russian passports looks justified, Stanislav Tarasov, Director of the Middle East-Caucasus research center, told the Voice of Russia.

“For them, it’s a laissez-passer. No one knows what will happen to Syria. Some forecasts suggest that, with or without Assad, Syria may become a confederation, or it may split into three or four parts and cease being single state. That’s why the Syrian Christians are trying to secure Russia’s support,” he said.

About 50,000 Syrians put their signatures under the address – medics, engineers, lawyers and businessmen residing in the Kalamoun area near Damascus. The fact that so many people signed the letter throws weight behind it, but on the other hand it makes things more complicated for Russia, said Sergei Sergeichev, a senior fellow at the Institute for Middle East Studies in Moscow.

“Not that it puts us in an awkward situation, but it sort of diverts the Russian Foreign Ministry’s efforts as the ministry is obliged to react to that address”, says Sergeichev. “We cannot say ‘no’ to those people. But if we say ‘yes’ and then something happens, then we will have to evacuate huge numbers of Russian citizens. And it doesn’t matter whether those are people solely with Russian citizenship or they have two passports – Russian and Syrian. If the president orders evacuation, they will have to be evacuated, which is a very complicated rescue operation.”

Syria is not the only country where Christians do not feel safe. According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life research organization, Christians are persecuted and harassed in 130 countries.

Today, Christians are the most persecuted religious community. Every hour, one Christian is killed in the world. They are killed because of their faith.

Syria and War Prayer

September 9, 2013

As the political ‘peace’ warmongers gather around Syria, assisted by Christian Zionists praying for global war, I’d like to remind readers of Mark Twain’s War Prayer.

“…O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst… Amen.”The War Prayer

Obama’s Jewish War On Syria

June 30, 2013

[In no uncertain language, Brother Nathanael tells what Christian Zionists in America are doing to Christians in Syria. Forget all CNN false news and listen to the following. You’ll be much wiser. ]

Source: Click here

By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2013

For with Obama’s plan to arm the imported al-Qaeda linked ‘rebels’ in Syria, the Jews are expectant that the last Arab nation opposing their Zionist agenda will be destabilized by Islamic extremists.

Caving to Jewish pressure, Obama propagandized last Thursday that Assad is using ‘chemical weapons’…that the Zionist-orchestrated ‘red line’ has been crossed.

[Clip: “White House aide Ben Rhodes just revealed a few moments ago that the US intelligence unity now believes with a high degree of confidence that the Syrian regime did in fact use chemical weapons, the nerve agent, Sarin, that killed about 150 people. He went on to say, he referenced back to last August, when President Obama, you remember, said that this use of chemical weapons would cross a red line.

“Number two though. Rhodes said that the US is increasing aid to the Syrian rebels and will provide what he calls military support. Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham weighing in as well tonight. They say they’re glad the administration now says that chemical weapons were used.”]

It’s deja vu all over again with Zionist shill Lindsey Graham touting the ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ lie.

[Clip: “The chemical weapons that have now been acknowledged to be used by Assad against his own people, my goal is to make sure they’re not used against us, or Israel, or our allies throughout the world.

And if we don’t stop this war, the chemical weapons caches that number in the hundreds of thousands of weapons that could be used, could be deployed, could kill thousands of Americans, or Israelis, or people, that are aligned with us.”]

But Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, contests the Zionist-inspired tale.

[Clip: “The Syrian regime hasn’t been pushed into the corner. The regime, according to the rebels, is advancing on the ground. What’s the point of the regime using chemical weapons in such small amounts? All to set itself up?”]

Lavrov ALSO challenges the propped up ‘red line’ saying that America’s ‘evidence’ doesn’t meet criteria for reliability stipulated by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

[Clip: “There are certain rules of the Organization For The Prohibition of Chemical Weapons which suggest that samples of blood, urine, clothes, and soil, can be classed as evidence only if the samples were collected by the organization’s experts. And if these experts controlled these samples en route to the laboratories. Our US colleagues failed to assure that these procedures were adhered to.”]

And why are we hearing over and over again from the Jewish-owned press that Assad is using chemical weapons “on his own people?”

Assad has support of the people.

He abolished the dictatorship through the reformed “Peoples Council of Syria” via popular referendum last year where power was distributed to the people in the form of a multi-party government.

Assad is not looked upon as Dictator but as First Citizen.

So why aren’t the Jews publishing the political reforms of Assad?

They’ve got their own agenda. That’s why all you hear from these perjurers is that Assad is a “mad dictator” who “hates his own people.” Pure lies.

Both Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, and Eliot Engel, ranking member of the House Foreign Relations Committee—both Jews—are hell-bent on bringing America into yet another disastrous war for Israel beginning with arming those democracy-loving ‘rebels.’

[Clip: “I don’t hold out a lot of hope for the peace conference and that’s putting it mildly. I hold out very little hope. I worry actually it could even go against us. I can imagine situations where the Assad government would pose as the supporters of a diplomatic outcome, the Opposition for good reason would reject it. In the case of Syria I would be in favor of selective so-called lethal or military help to Oppositionists.”

“I will be introducing legislation to allow the president to arm the rebels. I think it’s time to do that, I think the Free Syria Army needs help.”]

It’s not about a struggle for ‘democracy’ at all – it’s a struggle for power…the Islamic ‘rebels’ are simply a tool in the hands of global Jewry.

So is Obama, who is enabling the Zionist Agenda:

To topple Assad and to install a regime of competing militias where internal strife will give entre for the Israelis to walk ALL OVER that hapless country.

The Iran-Syria-Hezbollah bloc will then be destroyed and the last obstacle in the way will be an ISOLATED Iran, where American Gentile soldiers will spill their blood for Jewish-supremacist goals.

Jews do not send their own to die in US wars for Israel abroad.

But body bags for young American Gentiles will be the order of the day in yet another war for the Jews.

All the Jewish neocons are licking their warmongering chops at the prospect of yet another Jewish proxy war.

Christians in Syria Will Be Slaughtered With US Weapons

June 30, 2013

The Obama administration, along with other Western governments and supported by ill-informed politicians like Republican-going-on-Democrat Senator John McCain, are ignoring the increasingly extremist tendencies of the opposition in Syria. What has already begun will escalate to horrific proportions, should the rebels prevail: Christians in Syria will be slaughtered with US weapons. Read more

Mennonites calling for an immediate end to violence in Syria

March 30, 2013
Electrical stoves purchased with Mennonite Central Committee funds help to keep the children warm as they attend National Evangelical School in Homs, Syria. (Photo courtesy of National Evangelical School)
Electrical stoves purchased with Mennonite Central Committee funds help to keep the children warm as they attend National Evangelical School in Homs, Syria. (Photo courtesy of National Evangelical School)

Calling for an immediate end to violence in Syria

Sarah Adams
February 18, 2013

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The first time I went to Syria through my work with Mennonite Central Committee, almost four years ago, I was unable to access social networking websites. Today, the armed conflict prohibits me from entering the country, but I get a lot of my daily updates through my Facebook feed.

Recently I was chatting with a friend in Aleppo:
Me:  How are you? Are you safe?
Friend:  No one is safe here.

Naive question to someone in a city under siege, I admit. He’s right. Throughout the country, no one knows where violence will break out next. As the conflict has grown, cities that were home to people of all faiths and ethnicities and enjoyed calm for months have suddenly been caught up in the violence.

My friend goes on:
Friend: They are fighting now around the main electric generator. My friend who volunteers in the area told me that both armies won’t leave the station until it is totally destroyed. No electricity now and soon no water.
Me: Who’s benefiting from all of this destruction?
Friend: Everyone but the Syrians are benefiting.

Theories abound about what’s going on in Syria. The growth in the number of non-Syrian fighters, coupled with weapons shipments to both government and opposition fighters from other countries, raises questions about who is really fueling the conflict. MCC partners in Syria often wonder aloud what other countries hope to gain, either from the status quo or from a change in regime.

Meanwhile, millions of people are struggling to feed and shelter themselves. Cooking gas is no longer available in shops and is prohibitively expensive on the black market. People can’t heat their homes in the current freezing temperatures because they can’t afford the diesel needed for the heating stoves. Forests that were hundreds of years old have been cut down for firewood.

Hundreds of thousands of children have been forced to stop their schooling, and state of the art vocational training centers have been turned into shelters for displaced people. Young boys that are able to go to school have been kidnapped on their way to class as opportunists seek a quick profit, requesting high ransoms for their release.

Local churches and community groups have worked tirelessly to meet the needs. To help them in their efforts, MCC has contributed food, blankets, hygiene kits, skills training and other support worth more than $2 million. I speak with Syrians each week who express gratitude that they have not been forgotten.

So my friend asks:
Friend: How do you see the situation in Syria developing? Where is this country headed?
Me: I wish I knew. I don’t know why the international community is waiting to push for an end to the violence.
Friend: We are sick of waiting. But there is nothing we can do on the ground. We have no support.
Me: It seems everyone’s fate is in the hands of a few powerful people and the regular people are forgotten.
Friend: Exactly. But listen. There are still many guys here really working who want to change the situation for the better.

Sometimes it is easy to forget that Syria is not composed only of a government army and opposition fighters. Yet, I know from MCC’s work with church and community groups and youth that millions of Syrians don’t believe violence is the way to end the increasingly complex conflict.

In Homs, volunteers risk their lives to bring basic food and medical care into conflict-riddled areas, and families open their homes to displaced people. In Aleppo, where schools have been closed due to the violence, teachers have set up informal centers where children can keep up their lessons and add a familiar routine to their otherwise terrifying days.

In Qalamoun, people of goodwill have turned their homes into staging grounds for donations and distributions. In Ras al-Ayn, where Christians have been displaced and churches have been vandalized, residents of other faiths enter the church towers each day to ring the bells and keep the spirit of unity alive.

My friend says he wonders how long hope can carry people:
Friend: We need more than food. We need to stop the violence, stop the destruction.
Me: Many people I know are putting pressure on the U.S. government to do something to end the violence and destruction.
Friend: If it lasts much longer, we will be starving. But if the war stopped now, everyone would be ready to work and life would go on, and the money that is being spent now on food could be spent on developing the country.

Until then, MCC’s Syrian partners have new people come to them each week with urgent requests for daily survival. For the many people who lived a comfortable life until just a few months ago, there is much shame in asking for help. Finding ways to help people maintain a sense of dignity as they seek assistance is an important part of the MCC work.

The only hope to reduce the resources needed for the humanitarian catastrophe is to end the violence. While aid addresses the very real symptoms of the problem, it will never solve the conflict. As long as the conflict rages on, the suffering will only intensify.

Because of the power outages, my friend has been chatting on Facebook with me through his cell phone. It’s time to say goodbye:
Me: I wish there was a voice among Syrians who want an end to the conflict that is as strong as the voice of the government or the voice of the opposition.
Friend: We are here. We just need others to hear our voice.

The conflict in Syria has reached its two-year mark, and for many Syrians, it is a time of mourning. Those brave enough to stand on the side of peace and to speak out against both government and opposition violence deserve to be heard. Women and men of all faiths, in all areas of the country, are praying each day for an end to the violence, serving their neighbors as they wait for peace to come.

Join the people of Syria in their prayers for an immediate end to the violence. Tell your government officials to urgently seek a nonviolent, political solution to end the conflict. Stand with the Syrian people by donating funds for food, shelter, education and reconciliation efforts inside the country.

To learn more about how to speak to the U.S. government on this issue, how to send humanitarian support to Syria and how MCC is responding, visit

Mennonite Central Committee: Relief, development and peace in the name of Christ

Sarah Adams is the MCC representative for Syria and Lebanon. From Westerville, Ohio, Adams lives in Beirut, Lebanon