The Globalization Of Hanukkah

December 18, 2012

How The Jews Stole Christmas

December 25, 2011

How The Jews Stole Christmas

By Brother Nathanael Kapner

Copyright 2011

Christmas has all but disappeared from American life.

Instead of the joyous sound of “Merry Christmas” we are continually bombarded with the bland and anti-Christ, “Happy Holidays” – “Happy Hanukkah” – “Seasons Greetings” – and all the rest of the Jewish-inspired slogans aimed at eradicating the name of Christ from our lips and ears.

And it was just last week, in joining the myriad of world leaders throughout Christendom in their snubbing of Christmas, Obama celebrated Hanukkah at the White House, yet another example of the Jewish takeover of the month of December.

The Jewish war on Christmas all begins with the Jewish-run-and-funded ACLU which constantly vomits out its favorite lie, “Separation of Church & State.”

But this mantra, “Separation of Church & State,” is NOT an actual Law of the Land but rather was coined by Thomas Jefferson in his reply to the Danbury Baptists of Rhode Island assuring them that the State would NEVER interfere with their public expression of Christianity in the public square.

Yet now, distorting the original intent of “Separation of Church & State,” not a December goes by without the ACLU litigating against some small American town forcing it to remove all symbols of Christmas displayed in its parks and streets.

For instance, recently an ACLU Jewish attorney by the name of Katie Schwartzmann threatened to sue the Town of Ponchatoula, Louisiana unless it removed a Christmas Cross annually displayed in the center of the town.

The mayor was forced to acquiesce, explaining to a local TV station: “We don’t have the money to fight the ACLU. These kind of lawsuits are very expensive.”

In concert with the ACLU in its relentless war on Christmas, is the powerful Jewish Lobby, the Anti-Defamation League, known as the ADL, led by Abraham Foxman, who often sports a Jewish yarmulke.

Foxman and the ADL have infiltrated our public schools with one of its many curricula, this one called, the “December Dilemma” program.

But December has NEVER been a “dilemma” for Americans until the ADL has made it so…teaching our youth that with SO MANY (yeah, sure) “holidays” being celebrated throughout December, that any public celebration of Christmas would be an act of intolerance.

But where is the ADL or the ACLU when the 40 foot Hanukkah Menorah is put up on the White House Lawn every year, lit by Talmudic rabbis flanked by a Jewish Head of State and even accompanied by the US Air Force Band playing for the Jews, “I Have A Little Dreidel?”

No, not a peep out of the ADL or the ACLU. No “intolerance” cited by the ADL nor the ACLU’s favorite lie, “Separation of Church & State.”

My fellow Americans. The malevolence AND hypocrisy of these bandits who stole Christmas is clear for all to see.

The union of Synagogue & State will continue its onward, relentless march UNLESS someone has the guts to say NO to the Jews who stole Christmas!

The War Against Christmas

December 11, 2011
I borrowed the following Christmas piece from snippits and snappits.
DECEMBER 2, 2011
Tonight I watched the news from Montreal in which it was decided to ban Christmas decorations from many government public places. Big sigh. “Here we go again” I thought. Back to the war on Christmas only this time in Canada, in one of the oldest most Christian cities in the country. Of course this caused an uproar in Parliament and eventually the ban was withdrawn. I read letters in a few papers blaming the Muslims for this ban. Pffft! Stop with the Canadian Islamophobia already!
We know where this attitude comes from.
So here I am reposting my Hannukah envy piece from a few years ago only this time there will be more images simply because I found more!  So it is rather upgraded. I left the old posting up in case anyone misses the old imagery.Please understand, I do not begrudge people of any sort celebrating their cultural holidays but it does seem to me that, for a holiday that is of very minimal importance in the Jewish religion, there is a great deal of “Christmas envy” being shown in these items. And some, of these items come from sites that serve all holidays but we already know the Christian versions so I only post the Hanukah ones. So here we go again folks….

I included bakewear and a few other items after some thought because these are also traditional Christmas family activities. I have NO PROBLEM with Jewish families and baking because these are such wonderful memories for the children and parents, however, I do not think baking sweets of this type, cookies and cupcakes, is not really traditionally Jewish for this time of the year. Read more

Hanukkah, Menorah Versus The Christmas Story

December 2, 2010

“Happy Hanukkah”. What does it really mean? The main stream media tell you:

In Hebrew, the word “hanukkah” means “dedication.” The name reminds us that this holiday commemorates the re-dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Jewish victory over the Syrian-Greeks in 165 B.C.E.

Today, it is celebrated by Jews around Christmas because some Jewish parents hope that by making Hanukkah extra special their children won’t feel left out of all the Christmas festivities going on around them.

But former Jew, Brother Nathanael (now Christian Orthodox) has a different view:

The Christmas season is here but it seems more like a Jewish season with Hanukah Menorahs in your face everywhere you go. And this is what the Jewish-controlled media treated us with this past Tuesday — an in your face lighting of the Hanukah “National Menorah,” as it is now officially called, by the likes of our new Attorney General and his Anti-Christian Lubavitcher rabbi friends.Mukasey subscribes to the Talmud and Kabbalah which looks upon “goys” as cattle to be slaughtered. Mukasey and his wife Susan are high profile Zionists who have supported the most extreme Likud Party candidates in Israel. The candidates they wholeheartedly support include the past prime ministers, Ariel Sharon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Yitzhak Shamir, and Menachim Begin. All of these Likud politicians fostered hatred, theft, and murder towards Palestinians. Because of the racist policies of these extreme politicians, many Christian Palestinians have fled the Holy Land.

Author of Judaism Discovered, Michael Hoffman, says “Hanukkah is a Talmudic holiday” with a “Talmudic fable of a lamp filled with oil that burns for eight days.” The “Hanukkah menorah does not commemorate the victory of the Biblical Maccabees. The arcane traditional doctrine of Chazal concerning Hanukkah is that it actually signifies God’s “delight in the Jewish people” themselves, and their vainglorious celebrations.”

Most often, the Menorah is lit by the radical Chabad-Lubavitvh organization which Hoffman calls “the rabbinic devil-worshipping sect who venerate the goddess Shekhinah” and cites sources taken from Judaic literature.

Christmas is, says Hoffman, “the story of the incarnation of the Savior of mankind, offering salvation and peace on earth to all men and women of good will. Hanukkah is an enduring commitment to the dark racial and religious conceit of the rabbinic and Zionist Judaics, disguised as holiday light and cheer for all.”