To Taste Tyranny, All One Needs Is One Tyrant

February 1, 2021

In the title, I tried to parallel the famous quote by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in his The Gulag Archipelago. The book is full of quotes that apply today in our rush toward full totalitarian rule, all accomplished by a so-called virus (one of billions on a healthy human) that we can’t even isolate.

In Canada, we have many examples of want-to-be tyrants. We can start with the prime minister Justin Trudeau. Take any of the provincial and territorial premiers. National and provincial Health Officers qualify. Even the police are potential tyrants. Politicians are drafting legislation to make opinions that oppose government ideology “domestic terrorists.” Here’s what happened to those innocents in Russia.

If we don’t take action, this will be the destiny of Canadians. Government and its agencies are already harassing and committing crimes against Christians, ignoring our Constitutional freedoms. Yes, under cover of darkness, police handing out $880 tickets for going to church!

But some Christians are taking action against tyranny. Take a look here. Let’s do it together.

I close with one final quote from the Gulag, in which we find the famous quote “We didn’t love freedom enough.”

Money alert: how to recognize Canada’s biggest Ponzi scheme

June 6, 2010

Show me the money

Watch this entertaining movie about where money comes from. Why is Canada in debt for billions of dollars? Why does Canada pay interest on its own money? Does your bank really loan you $250,000 for your mortgage? More questions are answered in an entertaining way that you’ll never forget. You’ll see the slippery politicians squirm as the young journalist quizzes the former Canadian prime minister Paul Martin who owns a shipping company that pays no taxes, while you worked your butt off to pay taxes to his government! From now on, you can’t say you don’t know where money comes from. This movie makes Bernie Madoff look like a saint.