MIT Survey: Okay To Kill Two Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack


Editor CEC introduces Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Most of us who can remember WWII know we experienced a propaganda campaign to vilify the “slant eyed ones.”  But “Jap hate” only lasted four or five years. Then the “the Atom Bomb” came along and make us regret it. Now we experience a constant organized hate campaign from our war machine to vilify and dehumanize Muslims, a steady din from day 91. Chuck Baldwin’s most telling statement have to do with the role played by the “Religious Right” in finding biblical excuses for genocide of Muslims. We find Muslims are the only other major religion that recognizes Jesus Christ as holy.

Chuck Baldwin correctly writes:

A recent survey conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) revealed a chilling discovery: a majority of Americans are apparently agreeable to preemptively nuking other nations, knowing that millions of civilians would die. The theoretical nation used in the survey was Iran. And the MIT survey found that 60% of the American people would be willing to preemptively nuke Iran, knowing that 2 million civilians would be killed.

 I’ll say it plainly: modern evangelical Christianity has been co-opted by Talmudic Zionism. Dispensational prophecy teaching regarding the modern State of Israel has turned Christians—who ostensibly have dedicated themselves to following the Prince of Peace—into cold, callused purveyors of WAR.

Yes, all of this war fever is due to ONE thing: blind support for the Zionist State of Israel.

Full story:Chuck Baldwin: MIT Survey: Okay To Kill Two Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack 

One Response to MIT Survey: Okay To Kill Two Million People In A Preemptive Nuclear Attack

  1. larryzb says:

    We are now calling Christian Zionists counterfeit Christians.

    This is deeply disturbing but not really shocking given this bizarre infatuation with Jews (who do not follow the OT, but if they are not atheist, follow the Talmud; and are not descendants of the ancient Hebrews).


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