Christian churches that do not worship political Zionism, some surprises

Denominations are not listed in any particular order. And, of course, not all congregations are fervently anti-Zionist. This would depend largely on the clergy and governing boards of each church. And some congregations known as “cults” (for example, Jehovah’s Witnesses) say “There [is] no Scriptural support for political Zionism.”


Roman Catholic

Reformed Church In America

Greek Orthodox



United Church of Christ

Baptist (some)

United Methodist

Disciples of Christ

Episcopal Church

Pentecostal (none) Unfortunately, most charismatic denominations such as Pentecostals belong to the Christian Zionism cult, with rare exceptions.

For further details, see Challenging Christian Zionism.

Here are a few Canadian churches that have been duped by the Christian Zionist and Israeli front organization known as Chosen People Ministries.

One major Christian Zionist cultist and Israeli front man is Charles McVety of Canada Christian College who has established a “Chair in Israel Studies” with the Jewish Masonic Order B’nai Brith whose Executive VP “Dr.” (honourary from McVety’s college) Frank Dimant is first Chair.

9 Responses to Christian churches that do not worship political Zionism, some surprises

  1. Why is ‘Greek Orthodox’ listed as a Church which ‘worships political Zionism’ please?

    What is the basis for the inclusion of Greek Orthodoxy here?


  2. Michael says:

    The policy of the Greek Orthodox Church is to supports the existence of the State of Israel. Whether this is to align itself with the Greek government which supports Israel (in Greece, the Orthodox church is the official “state” church), or for purely theological reasons is unknown. What is known is that the Orthodox churches in general defend Israeland by extension, legitimise Israel’s oppression and exclusion of the non-Jews (the Palestinians primarily) who live there. That is zionism, and that is offensive to many Christians and many Churches which oppose using Zionism as an excuse for political oppression.


    • And I just saw this reply… If Michael sees this I would like to know:

      Please explain how the Greek Orthodox Church supports the ‘Jewish state’. Where is this “policy” stated?

      I have never seen any Orthodox Church “defend Israel the Jewish state. In what ways do they defend them?

      Please prove what you say.


      • Hi Prodigal, maybe Michael was referring to this from Wikipedia: “Many of the most promiment Orthodox Christian and Jewish interfaith officials, scholars and clerics held a three day conference in Thessaloniki in June 2013 to discuss the crucial importance of protecting the environment and religious values and condemned events of anti-Semitism and religious prejudice around the world. The meeting had an aim to help improve even further relations between these two ancient faith communities.[55]


  3. Regina says:

    Is there a dislike option for this website? This sucks. I hate the fact that this type of shit comes up on a google search.


  4. Regina says:

    Your idea of christianity is repugnant and hypocritical as is this website. If you had any balls you wouldn’t sit behind a computer writing stupid ill informed and presumably well intentioned articles. It must be the brainwashing of your pious church. Makes me want to throw up.


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